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Laying her head on the table, she could tell just by the sound of Dean and Chris' voices that John has told them to stop look. "So. Since daddy doesn't want to be found, what's next? " Alice asked looking at them. "It's clear that the man really truly ignores his sons searches or he is hunting on his own and you have to follow the trail and solve other cases till one that is personal to him hits home."

"She's right." Chris says. "So, where are we going?"

Dean showed them their next destination causing Alice to like this idea. They were heading to college and that means she gets to tease Dean some more.
At the college, Alice smiled as she couldn't believe she was going to experience her first college. She looked at the boys and smiled. "I'm going to find my room and see you guys at the chapel."

Dean went to grab her, but the girl was faster. He watched her laugh as she went looking for her room. Alice will admit one thing, college was never something she thought about even when she was Angelica. She stopped once she realized that she hasn't thought about her old life.

"Hello, are you Alice?" She heard and looked.

"Yes and you are..."


Alice smiled. "I'm sorry for what happened. I heard the others talking about what happened."

"Thank you." She says. "Do you want to come with me to the service?"

Alice nodded as she would like to know the witness, but the necklace around Lori's neck made her suspicous, but she won't question where she got that unique necklace.

Lori starts talking causing Alice to listen as they were getting to know one another. They walked in, but the two never saw the three Winchesters following them.

Dean sat down and looked at Alice who was listening to the service. The blonde never noticed till Lori tapped on her arm causing her to look then look behind her to see Dean, Chris, and Sam. She smiled as she saw Sam staring at Lori, but seeing Dean looking at her had her smiling as she turned around. "Who are they?"

"Friends of mine. They are here with me." She says as she leaned in. "They heard about your boyfriend's death and they want to help."

"Thank you."

Alice took her hand in her's. "You need answers and so does everyone here before they think you have something to do it."

Lori smiled as she kept her hand in Alice's as she found someone who was believing her and isn't pushing her to do anything. They continued with the service till they were able to leave.
Walking outside with Lori, Alice didn't see Dean or his brothers. That was till Dean put his arms around the blonde causing her to look at him. "Hi." She says. "Lori, meet Dean and his brothers Chris and Sam."

"Nice to meet you." She says.

Alice looked at them. "This can't be her fault. She doesn't know who killed her boyfriend, but I am gathering that she is being forced to let loose."

"So, you believe her."

"Of course I do. You're forgetting that I know things now then my old life. Do you believe me, Dean."

Dean looked at her and knew she was right. "It sounds like the hook man legend."
Dean and Alice were already searching for any information for the source of the Hook Man. Alice heard Chris and Sam talking causing her to smile as she knew that Sam was attracted to Lori, but she knew he wasn't ready to move on just yet.

"Hey, check this out." Sam tells them. "1862, a preacher named Jacob Karns was arrested for murder. He was so angry over the red light district in town that one night he killed 13 prostitutes."

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