Ziggy has serious problems pt1

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Y/n pov

"Y/n!"Ziggy called from my room,I walked out from my bathroom and into my bedroom to see ziggy on my computer."ziggy are you snooping?!"I yelled."uh yeah what does it look like?"he rolled his eyes and went back to my screen."zig- what are you doing now?"I asked.

I walked up behind him and saw he was going on my hihat account."y-you have a hihat account?"."yeah so?"I asked still confused and why he's snooping.he clicked on my profile and saw that I have all of his music and my favorite "pieces of gold"."why do you have all my music on here?"

"I can't listen to your music?"I still don't have an answer to why he's snooping"why are you snooping anyways?"."I had a feeling that you were hiding something from me so I decided to snoop"he shrugged his shoulders."can you get off my computer?"I ask.

"no" he said plainly.I retorted and grabbed it and closed it."wha- why'd you do that".I looked at him crazy"why do you care I have a hihat account it's not that serious"."Yes it is!you made me look stupid in front of everyone!"I looked at him confused,then remembered that day at school.


"Do anyone of you guys have a hihat account,y/n?"they shook their heads and went back to their conversation,I didn't want to look like a weirdo stalker and be like"yes ziggy I love your music"which I did love but didn't want to be weird about it

"No sorry I don't have one"he looked down at his lap and frowned,I didn't want to lie but I had to

End of Flashback!

"Oh ziggy that was 2 months ago,it's over"I put my computer on my bed and walked up to him to hug him,but he slapped my arms away and started yelling"YOU LIED TO ME,MADE ME LOOK LIKE AND IDIOT AND I THOUGHT I COULD TRUST YOU!"I flinched from him throwing his arms up."you know what?"he said."what ziggy?".

I asked on the verge of tears."I think we need to break up"he said."what why,it's just a little misunderstanding we can figure this out"I said."yeah we could,but no I'm or with you!"he stormed off and out of my house,I saw him with his big guitar case on his back and he ran to his house.I cried as I pretty much ruined everything we had.....

Why am I like this?

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