Truth Be Told

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Just a heads up, this chapter gets a little spicy. Just a little, I swear I didn't mean to but it happened

"What made you change your mind?" Lars asks his mom, with confusion and barely hidden excitement

"It's obvious Lars, you two are dating. Why wouldn't you have just told the truth, it's not like I'd be upset that my Tubby has found himself someone good for him" his mom says

"Mom, we aren't dating" Lars says as he quickly pulls his hand from my shoulder and straightens his back. "Just friends my ass" Lars seems astonished by his moms choice of words, as she rarely cussed.

"hvis du ikke dater, så kom venligst væk fra dig. hun vil åbenbart have dig, se på hende." She says turning herself on the couch to look at him. I turn myself too, knowing I should be included in the conversation.

His mom looks at him, waiting for an answer. He glances down at me worriedly, as if he's thinking of something. I can't tell what he's thinking, or what he might be thinking because I have no clue what she even said to make him have this thought process.

He looks back and forth between me and Lone. He meets my eyes and stops, letting out a big sigh and closing his eyes before looking at Lone

"Mom. With all do respect, I don't think you need to know anything about my love life." He says.

"Not to cause any drama, but may I know what's going on?" I ask with a serious yet confused tone. "Mari, could i talk to you.....privately" he asks, but it sounded more of a demand than a question as he held out his hand. I take it and he grips onto my hand tightly as I get off of the couch, and he practically drags me into the kitchen.

"What's going on?" I look at him with a scrunched expression. "It's actually kinda funny if I have to be completely honest. She basically said you've got the hots for me, and I need to step up and take you while you want me" he looks at me with innocent eyes, and a smirk. He was also slightly biting his lip, which made him look really hot, I would take him right now if it was allowed in our dumb rules, or maybe if we weren't in his parents kitchen....that should be the bigger issue.

"What was the first thing she said?" "When I asked what changed her mind?" "Yeah. What did she say?" "She said we can share the bed. Since it was so totally obvious that we're dating" he said looking off the the side at the floor, he rested his face and he looked upset just like earlier

He's leaning against the counter with his hands gripping onto the edges behind him. I hate seeing him so miserable. I sigh deeply, taking in how defeated he looks.

"If your okay with it, we can tell them that it's complicated. That's the truth, with a better explanation. Because according to what you said earlier , you don't think they would approve of a beneficial friendship" I say calmly

"I thought you wanted to keep it private?" He looks back up at me "they can know. I feel like it would be a good idea, I mean i think it would be a better option, it might strengthen both of our relationships with your parents. As long as they keep it to themselves and not everyone else" I smile at him

"Thank you" He says as he pulls himself from the counter and closer to me. Our height difference wasn't too big, but he was just tall enough for me to have to look up to meet his eyes.

"Could I have an extra? I regret the one I used earlier" he asks while placing his hands on the small dips between my waist and my hips

"I was just fucking around with you when I said that" I say quietly as I brush my lips against his carefully. "What about the boundaries. Wouldn't kissing all the time defeat the purpose of being friends" he says dipping his head and rubbing his thumb against my side

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