Road trip

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"You ready to go Mari?" Lars and I packed our bags last night, we weren't sure what time exactly we were leaving so I made sure to wake up early just in case, I let Lars sleep in because I don't want him to be groggy

"Yeah! I have everything packed, not like I even took much out anyway, you?" "Yep, I've got my bags packed, could you go check if I missed anything in the bathroom?" Lars asks

I nod and make my way to the bathroom, his toothbrush was sitting on the sink. Dumbass. I grab it and bring it back to the bedroom to wave it in his face

"I knew I was forgetting something!" He exclaimed and put it in his bag "Now we're ready" he says proudly with his hands on his hips

I shake my head at him and walk to the living room, he runs and sits on the couch before me, and pulls me onto his lap

"Excuse you" I laugh, "what?" He smiles and holds me close

Me and Lars sat and watched tv until there was a loud honk outside of the house, I got off his lap and peaked out to check, and outside was James, Cliff, and Kirk with a bus WHERE THE FUCK DID THEY GET A BUS?

"Lars, they're here come on" Lars got up quick and went to grab our stuff "I'll meet you outside" I said as I walked out

I ran out and hugged them all tight, even tho I just saw them the other day I missed them so much, it's still not in my head how I'm this close with my favorite band.

Lars comes out and hands our stuff the James and hops into the bus with me.

"Using the old tour bus?" Lars asks as he hops into a seat "Yeah, me and Cliff decided it would be good since we're traveling with a group" James says

"How long will this drive be?" I ask, getting comfy. "Got no fuckin' clue, we've got a destination so we're gonna find our way." Cliff says before taking a swig of beer "oh."

Time skip
I've been on this fucking bus with 4 stink men for like 2 hours I'm going to die and piss myself.

"You okay Mari?" Kirk looks at me concerned "I gotta fucking piss man" I say with my hands on my crotch

"Shit, me too. Thanks for reminding me!" James yells from the front, he's driving.

"Well can you go to a gas station?" "None around sweetheart, Cliff could you pass me a bottle?" James says

Cliff hands James and empty bottle and he starts pissing in it


"Yep, gonna have to hold it"

"James stop being an ass, pull over" Lars says, James laughs and pulls to the side of the road and stops. I run off and go out to a bush and squat

This is so damn embarrassing, having to piss in a bush. What the hell do I wipe with.

I finish up and get back on the bus with a sigh of relief and they all laugh at me "what?" I frown "you just look so relieved" Kirk replies

I roll my eyes and get back in my seat as James gets back on the road. "According to the map, we should almost be there" James says while squinting at the road

"What fucking map are you looking at" Lars says.

"The northern star"

"Dude are you fucking high??" Kirk says



"I'm not high dumb fucks, I saw a road sign" Thank God! Who let him drive.

"Shit, good. Had me worried, so we're almost there" Lars asks "yeah, think so"

At least half an hour goes by and we come across more signs that lead us to the beach house, James had gone to rent a place while we sat inside waiting.

"Do you know how many rooms there are?" Lars asks the others "each house has a different number of rooms, no clue which one he's getting. But if he's smart he'd do the math" Cliff answered,

We all sat and talked until James came back and drove to the beach house, and we all carried bags inside.

"Alright, there's two bedrooms, five of us. I thought it through, and decided Lars and Mari get the master bedroom—" he smirks and looks at us both, and looks back between Cliff and Kirk "—the other bedroom has two beds, so one of us three will get our own and the other two will have to share" James explains

The three look at each other silently before James speaks up, "well I'm not a fag, I call it"

Kirk wraps his arm around Cliff, "looks like it's me and you buddy" Cliff sighs and laughs

We all separate to look around, me and Lars go to the master bedroom James picked for us

"It's nice in here" Lars says "yea it is!" I agree and jump onto the bed, he follows and lands next to me

We lay for a bit, looking at each other before someone knocked on the door

"Hey! We're ordering pizza, it's just down the road"

"Alright!" Lars yells back as he gets up and holds his hand out, I grab it and he pulls me up.

We meet the others in the kitchen area and sit at an island and wait for pizza.

"Did you guys bring drinks?" Lars asks "fuck yeah we did" Kirk laughs. By the end of the night, we were all lit. Beer bottles on the floor, pillows thrown across the rooms, hadn't been there a day and we fucking traaashed it.

OMG AN UPDATE??? IM SO HAPPY TO FINALLY WRITE AGAIN, IM SO SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG, NEXT CHAPTER IS FINALLY HERE, ILL TRY TO UPDATE MORE OFTEN. holy shit btw guys, no clue if I've mentioned this in a recent a/n, James got a new gf right? Yeah, I found her phone number and msged her, SHE GOT FUCKING MAAD. THOUGHT SHE WAS GONNA TAKE MY ASS TO COURT.😦


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