☁️🪄💚Mischeif and Thunder!💛⚡️☁️

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CG's: Bruce Banner(Thor and Loki) Natasha(Y/N)

Littles: Thor Odinson (5) Loki Laufeyson (4) Y/N (3)

This was requested by~
@Ekon_dragongirl17 !

Enjoy my loves <3


All three of the littles were supposed to go to the park today, but it started to raining instantly when all of them woke up. Thor, Loki, and Y/N all tried to convince their caregivers to let them play in the rain anyway, but the both of them quickly turned it down. All three of them were super bummed out.

But rain and rules were never going to stop you guys!
Because as of right now, you three were in Bruce's room trying to find Thor's hammer.

"Are 'ou sure he won' be mad?"
Y/N asked anxiously, (she/he/they) knew how powerful Thor's hammer could be. Plus the fact that if they got caught with it they'd all get in trouble.

"Nope! He won' be mad ."
He giggled while looking around Bruce's walk in closet, "He made me put iwt here yes'erday, cuz papa no cwan lift it." Loki chuckled a little at Thor's remark. It was amusing to him how he could technically use his magic whenever he wanted but Thor had to put his "big things" away when he was near regressing.

" 'ere it is!"
Thor squealed and moved some clothes out of the way, he lifted his hammer and spun it around playfully.
He brought it to his chest with a huge goofy smile, "I missed ou!"

"O'ay. We have your 'ammer, now what?"
Y/N asked. The brothers looked at each other with the same mischievous look.
"Y/N ou gwotta be part of our plan. Me and Bubba are gwonna sneak outside, then I gwonna teleport 'ou outside with us."
Loki explained, you understood what the plan was, but you were confused on what you exactly had to do.
"Y/N.. have we twold ou about get help?"


"Get help! Help!"
Both of the brothers screamed at the top of their lungs. In a matter of seconds Bruce came in the room running, a look of urgency in his face.
"What's going on? What happened?"

He noticed that Y/N was on the floor, (she/he/they) holding (her/his/their) hands to (her/his/their) stomach, obvious tears streaming down Y/N's cheeks.
You mumbled. "Papa help (her/him/them!)" Thor screamed out, Loki nodding urgently in agreement.
"(She/he/they) fell down and now Y/N won't gwet up!"

"Oh jeez, c'mere Y/N."
Bruce lifted Y/N into his arms, "It's going to be okay. You two go down stairs to Auntie Nat's floor to tell her Y/N isn't feeling well."
The two nodded and quickly ran out of the room, Thor quickly grabbed his hammer that was near the door. Bruce must have been too concerned about Y/N to notice. It was all coming to plan.

"Sorry you got hurt, Y/N. What's wrong inside that tummy of yours, hm?"
He cooed, a small whine escaped your lips, putting your head in the crook of Bruce's neck.
"I tired Unca.."
A small frown appeared on Bruce's face, "Sorry Y/N, but you've already had a nap today. Stay awake a little longer and-"

"Noo! I wan' nap! I wan' nap!"
Y/N cried, a whole new round of tears slipping down (her/his/their) face. Bruce sighed and started to bounce you up and down, you noticed that he was walking out of his room now.
Before you knew it you were in Loki and Thor's nursery and laid down in a bed. You assumed it was Thor's since the sheets were yellow.
"Maybe some sleep will help your stomach, do you need me to get anything for you?"

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