Chapter 7 - Rivalries

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Y/N groaned as he opened his eyes. Leaning up out of bed, he glanced at the familiar presence that always appeared in his bed while he slept. Wearing nothing behind his long tang-top that covered the entirety of her figure, she nestled into his body sensually.

It's not like he did anything with that. He's already too tired on daily basis, adding something like that into the mix would shut him down.

Getting out of bed like a ninja, he made his way to the bathroom to clean his self a bit before getting the day started. He didn't have anything to do today as school was closed for the time being to allow students to prepare for the upcoming event. The Sports Festival.

Contrary to Y/N's beginning thoughts, it had nothing do with real sports and instead was a sort of showcase for the quirks 1st year students had. He sounded like a hassle and it would most definitely be one considering the circumstances.

Oh...I guess a recap of what happened after the U.S.J incident is needed. It's nothing much. After defeating the Nomu, Y/N passed out....actually fell asleep from both the influx of energy gain and used with his newly acquired quirk and the downside of Evolution. Y/N let it happen as well. The only important villains to capture were teleported away before All Might could catch them. The fodder was still there, so...yeah.

There were some....consequences for his words. Good thing that they wrote it down as a side-effect of his quirk even though it truly wasn't. His heart spoke for him. Had they punished him for doing so, why should he care?

On that note, his actions did change the situation drastically. For better or worse, Y/N, Bakugo, and Izuku weren't the only Class 1-A students to engage villains that day. They took his words to heart and captured the fodder villains in the other areas. All the pros that came soon after everything was settled were basically on clean-up duty.  Cool for them, right?

Anyways, the casualties truly impacted their choice in what to do with Y/N. Due to his quirk, it made him ignore commands, at the same time though, they couldn't argue with the results. Defeating a creature All Might wasn't able to harm spoke for itself. The damage Y/N caused though....They hoped it was only because there were no civilians in the area.

In the end, Y/N got off with a slap on the wrist. That's how favorably those with strong quirks were treated in this world. Had it been someone with a weaker quirk or less potential than Y/N, and they would've been punished much more harshly, possibly expelled. Well...wasn't his problem.

Back to the Sports Festival thing...he was supposed to be training. "Supposed to be". He felt as though he really didn't need to. To his knowledge, no one in the entire U.A. school could compete with him. Even the staff was no match for him and they damn well knew that. A major reason why they couldn't afford to let him go. In fear of him becoming a villain.

'I wonder how that would turn out...'

A image of himself dressed as the hand villain from before battling All Might popped up in his head before he quickly shook it away. The title sounded cool and all, but what would he do with it? What part of being a villain would fill his heart with joy? Until he got his answer, being a villain was not an option....

'Well, at least until mom and day ask me to....'

Some would say the things he would do for his parents was downright demonic. While others would say, he's simply being a good son. Y/N himself would say, it keeps them off his back.


Walking into a game store, Y/N looked around for the new and improved Dragon Ball game that came out yesterday. It looked like an updated version of Ultimate Tenkaichi and that brought back some very good memories from his childhood. Looking through the many rows of games, he finally laid his eyes on the prize.

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