Emotions... 💜💙🧡❤️/☁️

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Turtles-P-/GN! Reader


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"Guys I don't think this is a good idea they'd never lie to us!" Mikey whined. All of the boys stopped jumping rooftops. They all glanced at each other, yes all of them didn't think you would lie, but they noticed something... off lately. Actually, not lately, all the time in fact.

"I don't think they would either Mikey, but their excuses have been getting ridiculous! We're just going to see if anything's wrong." Donnie assured, then his younger brother sighed. "They said they were out at April's book club!", All of the boys groaned.

"April isn't in a book club! And it's 11 pm, Mikey!" Leo protested, after a few more back-and-forth banters Mikey finally decided to give in and rush to your apartment.

You were sitting on your couch wrapped in a blanket, the white tv light filling the room. You were eating popcorn, no salt no butter, yes it didn't taste like anything. But you desperately wanted something to snack on, and popcorn with no butter and salt had no calories so hey, win win?

Yes you did lie to the boys, why? Well because you didn't think you were worthy to be around them. You've been trying to act 'normal' around them for so long now. But it's been so hard, you don't feel, anything. And to you that was most definitely not normal.

And the worst part is that you lied to the boys. But did you feel guilty? NO! No you didn't. Why? Why, is the question you kept asking yourself. You wondered what was wrong with you genuinely wanting to know. You wanted to cry but at the same time, you didn't at all. you were so confused about what was wrong with you.

So now you were on a movie marathon trying to escape your thoughts, hiding away from the boys never wanting to leave your apartment again- aannd they're here... THEY'RE HERE?! SHIT!

You saw Mikey hanging upside down through your window while Donnie sat on the ledge and Raph and Leo peeked their heads through the sides. You were about to shove a handful of popcorn in your mouth but stopped in shock of seeing them.

Oh dear god, this was gonna be hard to explain. Donnie gave you a serious face gesturing you to open the window, but when you stayed seated for more than a few moments he took the matter into his own hands. All of the boys practically fell into the room.

"Huh... Book club, was it?" Leo questioned trying to get back on his feet. you dropped your popcorn back into the bowl then you hid deeper into your blanket and moved to the opposite side of the couch while fake coughing.

"Oh Uh- I had to cancel because cough cough. I'm reallyyy sick, y-you should definitely go this whole place is probably contaminated- yeah it's totally contaminated you should go." You ushered them, and now all of the boys were properly standing up. They all looked at each other with this -are they serious? - face.

"Uhuh, ok well what do you think you might have?" Donnie asked, you thought for a moment completely out of it. "UUuHH Tottalysickietes?" You choked out, all of them including Mikey rolled their eyes.

"Oh my GOD you're worse at lying than Donnie! I didn't even know that was possible." Leo shouted. You sighed and pulled the blanket off of you. "Busted." You mumbled.

"Why would you lie to us!" Mikey and Raph demanded while stepping a bit closer to you. Your eyes widened, as you pulled your knees into your chest and hugged yourself. "I- Hmph." You mumbled.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2023 ⏰

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