Water, Invisibility, Air

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Valen sat outside of T'Challa's Royal Talon Fighter with her bags packed on each side of her. She sat crisscrossed on the concrete waiting patiently for anyone.

"What is it that you think you're doing? You've set off ten alarms." Okoye scolded as she came to stand with her arms crossed in front of the girl.

"I know. I did that to get someone's attention. Since it worked, are you ready to go?" She started to stand, putting a hand on the concrete to push herself up.

Okoye laughed with no amusement. "Go? And where is it you think we're going? It's three in the morning."

"Home. You know, New York. America. Has the tall green lady. Can't miss her." Valen imitated the Statue of Liberty by pretending to hold a torch in her left hand and a tablet in her right.

"You have your arms switched." Valen dropped her arms when she realized Okoye was right. "Get your bags and bring them inside." She walked off but Valen remained where she was.

Twenty more minutes passed by when T'Challa finally came out to deal with the defiant nineteen-year-old. Valen could only assume Okoye fetched him because she didn't want to deal with her herself.

"Valen, why are you out here?" He asked the question like a disappointed father. She imagined it would be how Tony would ask her if only he wound pinch the bridge of his nose.

Valen stood straighter as she held her head up high and spoke each word professionally. "I want to thank you for the time you've allowed me to stay here."

T'Challa opened his mouth, but Valen raised a finger to silence him so she could continue. "I love everything and everyone in Wakanda, but it is not my home. I have been away almost for a year and I desperately wish to return. I understand Laufey is still an issue, but it should be up to me and not Tony where I choose to be. I am legally an adult and I choose to go back to New York."

"That sounded very adult of you, Valen." He chuckled as she rolled her eyes. "But ... no. I made a deal with your father."

"Which you've upheld. The deal was to keep me secret and out of harm's way. You've done both beautifully. See?" She showed off her arms and legs that were not covered by her t-shirt and shorts. There was one bruise on her arm, but she covered that with her hand. "Congratulations."


"Please." She said the one simple word with all her heart, begging to convince him.

He took pity on her when she gave him the puppy dog eyes. "Fine, but when he gets angry it's all on you. I'm not taking any of the blame."

"I'll say I held you at gunpoint." She smiled as she squeezed him tight. She closed her eyes with a relieved sigh.

"We will leave tomorrow. You have to give proper goodbyes or Shuri will torment you for the rest of your days."

She stepped away from the man and raised three fingers in the air. "Scout's honor."

He rolled his eyes, but she only bounced around. He knew this was not a good idea, but he also believed she had a say in where she wanted to be. After all, maybe it's better to face a fight than to hide even if others disagree.


The whole flight Valen was antsy. She bounced her leg while chewing her nails. She paced back and forth. Every five minutes on the dot, she would look out the windows to see if she could notice anything familiar. Of course, she mainly only saw the sea or clouds.

Shuri refused to stay home when Valen told her she was leaving. She insisted that she would fly with them, but she started to regret it when Valen asked for the millionth time how much longer until they got there.

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