Chapter 3: Wintercrest Academy

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Friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.| Muhammad Ali


I find myself gasping for breath.

My chest squeezes tightly and I find it hard to move. My breasts are pushed together uncomfortably. Don't even, I'm just stating what's happening right now.

Help me...

"M-moth-mother!" I choke out, struggling to get to the frame of my bedroom door.

I tightly grip the chipped, white frame of the door. I try to breathe in to call for help once more, but it is too damn painful. The constricting pain makes it difficult to do much.

"Saige? What's wrong?" My mother worriedly calls from downstairs. Can she not hear me slowly dying up here?

"He-help..!" I suddenly gasp out, clutching my tight chest. I stumble into the narrow hallway.

"Saige!" My mother calls out more strongly this time.

I hear her small footsteps race up the stairs. I glance up to see that she reached the top, she faced me with her brown eyes. She rushes toward me and places her hand on my back.

"What? What is it? What's wrong? Answer me!" She practically yells in my ear.

I flinch away from her loud voice. Taking the biggest breath I could manage, I point to my chest.

"My uniform is too tight and I'm dying!" I almost scream out, sweat forming on my hairline.

My mother stares at me and then down at my uniform. She blinks, her chocolate brown eyes processing my frantic words.

She takes her hand off my back and busts out laughing. I stare at her in shock as she clutches her stomach from laughing. I give her a bewildered look.

"Saige, sweetie. There's a button on the front— you know what? Let me do it." She reaches for my white, button-up shirt. In a second, she easily pops the first button off.

All the constricting pain magically disappears. Poof. Gone. Thank the lord, I'm free!

My eyes widen and I take in all the air I can breathe in. It feels good to breathe. Don't ever stop breathing. Ever. Seriously.

"Thank you so much." I sigh in relief. I'm pretty sure I was about to die.

"Silly girl. Don't go dying on your first day." My mother takes a step away and turns. "Be ready in ten minutes. I'll be able to drive you this week."

I watch her small, frail figure walk away and down the stairs. Letting go of the door frame, I turn back into my room. Well, new room.

I had spent the last two days unpacking. As far as the room setup, I had everything out and placed.

My bed was set up in the far corner, with a matching end table. My dresser was up against the wall next to the door. The closet was on the wall opposite my bed next to where I set up my desk.

What I had not been able to accomplish was unpacking my clothes and decorations. Luckily, I can tell where I placed the box I was given with my school uniform in it.

But upon putting it on, I had not realized I wasn't supposed to button it up all the way. Thus, resulting in me about to die.

Rest in peace. Saige Morris. Death by buttoning one too many buttons on her school uniform. You shall be missed.

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