Go Insanity

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Enid's pov:

As i was walking through the halls of Nevermore i was holding gray's hand as we were talking to Mike.

He was such a sweethearth he was a very good friend...

However during mid road y/n walkes in front of us holding wednesday's hand.

"Ewww Enid,you're still dating that ungly cunt?"Wednesday said looking at gray disgusted

"Wednesday at least my boyfriend is not a sadistic fuck like yours" i said annoyed

"Enid" Gray said looking at me waving his head in a "no" way.

"Wednesday,babe just ignore this bitches,except you Mike" Y/N said

Mike just ignored him

"Fine"Wednesday replied walking with away with Y/N

"Ugh i hate that guy"Mike said

"You hate him?,uuh we hate him too"Gray said chuckling

"Cool haha"Mike said

In other place,the protagonist starts to feel weird,are his beast instincts consuming him?
He feels a lot of anger and hungrr for some reasons
He can't control that.
He needs to eat...
He needs flesh
Fresh meat....


"Ehhhh W-Wednesday my stomach hurts a lot I-I need to to the bathroom,give me fifty minutes please" i said sweating as my stomach hurts a lot

"Cara mía are you ok?"She said serious

"Y-yes just i need go kick"i said getting annoyed

"Hmmm okay?" She said raising one of her eyebrows

As i left my stomach hurted a lot more,but it was not because i had lots of shit inside,NO

My stomach hurted like this because i had a lot of hunger,and uncontrollable hunger of human flesh.

"Why i'm i feeling this?!" I said to myself scared as i was running as unknowingly left Nevermore

"I must calm it down" I said

However the last thing i can remember was myself screaming loudly in the woods before my human screams filled with pain turned into monster scream filled with anger and hunger.

However the last thing i can remember was myself screaming loudly in the woods before my human screams filled with pain turned into monster scream filled with anger and hunger

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AS y/n(now a beast) was running through the woods breathing and growling in anger while destroying trees while doing it.

During his dispair he found animals like,rabbits,spiders and more..

A big scary spider was going to feast on a caterpillar that got trapped on it's twisted web full of other already dead insects.

However the beast of Y/N grabbed it before it could kill the caterpillar and swallowed it alive.

As he continued running desperately seeking for flesh he found the perfect buffet....

A camping...

As the people on the camping was living and ejoying their lives one of them noticed a loud scream noice coming from the woods

"What the fuck is that"A girl said

"Maybe some animal getting brutally murdered"A boy said

"JOSH quick grab the shot gun!"The girl said as they noticed that the sound was getting louder

Josh grabbed the Shotgun waiting for the creature

Suddendly y/n revealee himself roaring

Josh tried to shoot him but he hide behind the girl making the gunshot impact her head exploding it.

"WHAT THE FUCK JOSH"one of them said horrified

Josh was standing here in shock with the shotgun on his hands

"Mitch i'm sorry"Josh said pulling the shotgun on his mouth.

However when josh was about to pull the trigger Y/N jumped on him and started to punch his body quickly destroying it,as he screamed in agony.

Mitch quickly tried to grab the shotgun on the ground but Y/N punched his arm breaking it

Through the woods a loud yell of agony was heard.

"RUUUUN,FUCK RUUUUUN"Mitch said out of breath

However before he could do anything more y/n did a big bite on him rippin his head along with a part of his torso.

The other 3 members ran away in fear but Y/N just chased them.

A gir was running,horrified looking back every time.

Y/n just jumped behind her and kicked her back causing her ribs to expose

The other guy was even more far but the speed of the ruthless Y/N was superior and he just ended getting mauled and his organs eaten by Y/N

The other wan ran to his car and tried to escape but Y/N just grabbed it and started to hit the ground anf trees with it ,the guy was forced to leave through the broke window.

As he was crawling,the beast started to step on his head until it exploded,getting killed by the merciless Y/N.

After eating some of his brain
Y/n left another scream and turned back to his normal form,his uniform was gone,he was naked.

He had no other choice to go back to the camping and took mitch's clothes.

He went back to Nevermore scared feeling something in his stomach

30 minutes later

Y/n returned to Nevermore feeling weird when he returned Wednesday came over him angry.

"Where the fuck you where?"she said angry.

"O-Oh Mi amor my ass exploded on the bathroom"i said nervous

"You where shitting for 2 hours with 37 minutes?,stop talking bullshit"she said annoyed

"And where is your uniform?"she said.

"Mi amor listen,as i exited the bath a group of guys beated the shit out of me,as my stomach hurted i can't do anything"i said nervous

"Who are them,give gestures ,names"she said

"I-I don't remember" i replied even more nervous

"Cara mía please"she said

"Fine,one of then had long hair and black sunglasses,the other had short hair"okay.

"Thanks"she said kissing me

I smiled and hold her wait kissing her more

"I love you,you're everything for me"she said

"You too Mi amor"i said smiling

"Lets go to my dorm to kiss eachother honey"she said

"Enid is with the dickheads of Gray and Mike"she said

"Sure!" I replied

She hold my hand and we walked through her dorm to kiss eachother..

I hope she will never know the truth of what really happened,as she is lately trying to solve a case about a murders,crackstone and a monster,they call it "The Hyde",i hope she doesn't think im the hyde,otherwhise im fucked.....

To be continued.......

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