After having a nice time with wednesday i was just terrified of what i just did to these innocent people on the camping,i tried to ignore it but the guilt was a lot,i wanted to cry but my anger to myself was bigger and i started to curse myself
I then fell to the floor and started to cry,feeling like the biggest bullshit ever created,i was traumatized and i didn't wanted to do nothing.
That was the moment i heard that a new person just came to Nevermore
They called him G-Man
I exited to see who he was and his apperance was so damn intimidating,it was so scary
He was a tall man in a business suit and a briefcase,with green eyes
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The guy was very menacing and his pressence was scary as fuck the G Man arrived and he was here to make business with someone here
He was called Astro
¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
Astro was also menacing as fuck, being a literal head on a metal toilet with armor and 3 arms with claws a lasers on it.
Astro and G-Man encountered with Sam Riordan and Cate Dunlap from Godolkin University.
¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
Their plan was clear, destroying Nevermore Academy.
"So i brainwash them and Sam destroys them"
"I will destroy the place with my lasers, Let's demolish this excuse of academy" Astro said
"I will change the reality" G-Man said
"Let's go then" Astro said before warping away destroying everything then the rest did the same
Y/n was frightened then Grey came with enid, and wednesday appeared behind him.
"The fuck you want grey?" Y/n said
"Im here to say sorry y/n" grey said
"Huh, i reject them then" y/n replied
Then they started hearing the sounds of everything collapsing and the desperate screams of the people
Then he started to brutally punch enid and ultimately ripping off both her eyes...
A very loud scream was heard on the halls of nevermore, catching Sam and Cate's attention.
Sam went to the origin of the screaming...
Y/n was out of control and started to kill Ajax, Bianca, Eugene and Xavier
He then went directly to Wednesday trying to end her dark life
"WEDNESDAY WATCH OUT"Grey said in a bloodcurling scream and charging at y/n throwing him to the floor
Grey started to brutally punch y/n and choke him, while tears where coming from his eyes.
Then y/n vision became blurry then black and he saw the G-man
"Rise and shine Mr.L/N... rise..." he said calmy
The y/n vision became normal again and all he could hear where grey's angry groans and astro's creepy laugh along with the laser sounds
Then Sam came from behind and with a single punch he exploded Grey's entire body, covering y/n and the whole hall in blood.
Sam then exploded Wednesday's head with another punch
"THE FUCK YOU ARE?" Y/N screamed
He didn't answer and just stared deeply
Y/n the turned into his monster form and started to fight Sam
It was really bloody fight tha ended on y/n with multiple broken limbs
With half- academy destroyed, all their personal braiwashed and y/n critically injured
Astro started to charge his lasers and killed y/n
They then left the destroyed place and did a party on the skibidi toilet base with g man and scientist And cameraman, speakerman and tv AND EVEN TITANS