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I was walking with Wednesday,it was a silent walk,but it was also a calm walk

I was thinking about what just happened before we left the park

I wanted to start a talk with her but i was afraid,so i just looked through the sky,it looked beatiful.

"What are you looking at?" Wednesday suddendly asked.

"Just the sky,these orange,yellow,red and blue clouds makes it look wonderful" i replied.

"It looks better when it is conpletely black and empty" she said

"Well is you say it" i replied not breaking my look in the sky

"I would give everything to fly between those wonderful clouds" i said.

"You're so patethic" She said.

"I know right haha" i replied.

'I dont know what will happen between us,i hope good things...' i said on my mind

Shortly after we arrived to Nevermore.

Wednesday said that she was going to her dorm on her own way,so i let her go cuz i don't wanna make her uncomfortable.

As i was on my way to my dorm i was met by Enid......

She was on my bed,and the most unnerving thing was that she had very short clothes....

'Damn Enid'

"Hello honey,finally you arrived,i was going insane without you" she said smiling widely.

"Listen Enid i haven't told you my answer,please get out go to your room and wait till tomorrow..." i said uncomfortable

"Why dear?you can enjoy me all you want tonight.." she said bitting her lip.

"Enid please,if you love me a lot please let me wait" i said.

"Honey!,why are you evading me!?,why just can't we start our adventure now!"
She said angry

"Enid please calm dow now otherwise i will call mrs.Thornhill" i said.

Enid then morphed her nails into claws and forced me at the wall.

"If i can't have you,nobody will"
She said in a cold tone

I then morphed to my monster form and forced her back,she never saw this form so she was horrified.

I then morphed to my monster form and forced her back,she never saw this form so she was horrified

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I said

She screamed in horror and left the room Quickly.

'Finally some peace,finally that bitch will stay away from me"

I was reallt tired and even more with what just happened right now.

So i brush my teeth,and went to sleep.

(ENDED)Î Łøvë ýøű äłøţ,Wednesday Addams x Male readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora