Chapter 4

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Lonely Moons

     Kokichi entered class, like normal, but his super cool and totally real boyfriend wasn't there. Loser, maybe he was finally talking to Harukawa~Chan. Really, supposedly hes the one whos good with confrontation, yet he keeps putting it off. Their coffee 'date' was now almost a week ago and he just kept avoiding talking to her. What an idiot.
     It's been officially over a week since Kokichi forced Kaito to do this with him. He didn't expect it to last long though, Kaito is an idiot, and he thought Kaito would give this up first. Kokichi's an expert at chess, he's been plaing for years. He did want Kaito to fake date him for a reason, so that's why he planned all of this.
     He sat down at his seat, already tired despite just waking up. Why must school be so tiring? Literally right as he laid his head down, the bell rang. Soon the room filled, and Kokichi was forced to lift his head up. Otherwise he would lose points to his grade for not 'participating'.. ugh it's like he actually listens to her.
     The fan is blasting cold air above him, it would be nice if the school actually offered better jackets since his uniform isn't warm enough. Someone else behind him is tapping their pencil. As much as he just wants to glare at the perpetrator, he didn't wanna get caught not paying attention.
     Someone else next to him won't stop chewing gum, but with their mouth open.. god it's like everyone is trying to bother him today! He placed his head down for one second. Anything just to stop himself from losing it all.
     "Kokichi?" The teacher called on him. "Would you like to answer this question?"
     Damn it. She knew he wasn't paying attention. He looked up, seeing a bunch of words and shit. Science is so confusing. "Uhh what's the question again?"
     She gives a sigh, "You need to be paying attention, otherwise I'll write you up."
     "Rantaro, what's the answer?"
     I space her out again.

     School ended awhile ago, it's once again Kokichi and Kaito hanging out for their photo. This time Kaito got to choose where they went. He was kinda scarce on money, so he couldn't do anything fancy, but then again he isn't actually going on a date with Kokichi. It was late, and the stars were sparkling.
     Kaito placed his jacket carefully on the, and laid down on top of it, leaving enough room for Kokichi.
     "If you really think I'm gonna sit next to you, then you're delusional." He crossed his arms, and instead sat on the grass.
     "The stars are pretty huh?" Kaito has always enjoyed stargazing. When he was younger, his parents used to take him stargazing all the time. That was before they died. Now he's with his grandparents, he's been with them for years now, and never before had they really believed in Kaito's dream.
     "Yeah. Crazy how they're probably bigger than I am, yet to me, those stars look so small."
     "Hm?" He looked at Kaito, who was only looking at the sky. "Why do you seem so much quieter?" He honestly expected that Kaito dragged all the way here just to ramble about stars.
     He simply laughed in response. "You know when your mind is constantly noisy? I look at the sky and I realize it's so much bigger than me. My problems mean nothing compared to it, and my mind quiets. I just have nothing to say."
     "Damn, that sounds poetic."
     "Eheh, I guess." He stared a moment longer. A cool breeze hits the two boys, and causes Kokichi to shiver. ".. are you sure you don't wanna lay on my jacket? It's warmer."
     Kokichi stared at him, looking for any sort of alternative motive. "Geez, you sound like such a creep sometimes." He stated before moving closer to Kaito. He laid down, trying his best not to touch the other.
     "Oh come on." He wrapped an arm around Kokichi's shoulder.
     "Ew." He didn't move away though. It felt somewhat comforting.
     "Y'know, I was supposed to go train with my sidekicks today, but now I'm here."
     "What are you guys even training for? What do you think we're gonna be trapped in a killing game or something?"
     "Well, it helps defeat your mental challenges!"
     Kokichi scoffs. "Yeah right, how does that work?"
     "Well like Shuichi, he was never confident in himself. But hey he's improving! Ever since we started training, he finally has enough courage to order his own food!"
     "Sounds like a skill issue."
     "Then there's Maki."
     "Ugh, why do you even like her." If they were gonna just talk about Shuichi and Maki, Kokichi might as well just leave.
     "Cause she's a person. Maybe she's a bit cold and rough, but she's still someone with hopes and dreams." But that got Kaito thinking. "Why do you hate her so much? Why does she hate you?"
     He thought about it for a moment, Kaito seems like he genuinely wants to know. Doesn't sound like he's planning to do anything bad with that information. "Well, she knows that what she does isn't ok. She's well aware, yet doesn't try changing it."
     "That sounds familiar." Kaito stared at Kokichi.
     "That's not the point. I may be a hypocrite, but what she does is worse. In fact she literally found my location to try to kill me, that was my first time meeting her." His casual tone of voice caught Kaito off guard.
     "Wait what?"
     "Eh, I probably shouldn't tell you. Regardless that's why I don't like her, and since god won't let me die she hates me."
     This conversation seemingly left Kaito with more questions than answers. Kokichi took out his phone, and took a picture of them together.
     "So, you wanted to fake date me to make her jealous, right?" He might as well ask now.
     "Are you kidding? I may hate her, but I don't care enough about her to do all of this for that." He sighed.
     "Then why did you do it?"
     "I... am still trying to figure that out myself." He has been getting closer to Kaito. It reminds him of a feeling he hasn't felt in a long time. "How many people have you dated before?"
     "Why does this matter?"
     "Trust me, it's relevant."
     "Just, two."
     "Well, imagine how they made you feel. If you're able to feel all that love again, wouldn't you?"
     "Not really, it's.. complicated." He took a moment. "I make you feel loved?"
     "Eh, somewhat. Maybe I'm just so deprived that it turned me into some weird pervert that mentally melts anytime someone has a normal conversation with me. Not a lot of people like me, remember?" He did make it so everyone hated him on purpose, but there seems to be something more there.
     "Is that the whole reason why?"
     "You tell me." He smiled.
     "One day, I'm gonna figure you out, lies and all." He laughed in response.
     "Good luck with that!" Kokichi playfully punched Kaito's arm.
      "Hey!" He punched Kokichi's arm back, still in a playful manner. Soon the small punches turned to playful wrestling. After awhile they calmed down and talked for about another hour.
     When Kokichi and Kaito started fake dating, Kaito didn't know shit about Kokichi. Yet he can't help but feel closer to him these days.

A Bet Worth Losing ~ Oumota Love Story ( Completed )Where stories live. Discover now