Chapter Eight

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You open your eyes to find yourself resting your head on Arlecchino's shoulder.

You didn't remember much of what had happened after you woke up, especially considering the fact that you were dead tired, so you were a little confused on where you were and what was going on.

You lifted your head, your memories coming back.

That's right.

You'd successfully boarded the ship along with Arlecchino, Columbina, and Aleksei.

After Snezhnaya disappeared and the area around you turned into ocean as far as the eye can see, you'd taken a moments rest, but accidentally fell asleep on Arlecchino's shoulder.

She clearly hadn't moved you while you were asleep, so you assumed she was fine with it.

"Did you have a good rest?" Arlecchino asks, clearly acting kinder to you than she had before.

You rub your eyes and smile.

"I slept well, mommy." Escapes your mouth before you can hold it back.

You immediately wish the sea could swallow you up there and then as Arlecchino stares at you in complete silence.

Sleeping on her shoulder had reminded you of your mother so much that you were in that headspace.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean that. It's just that uh...reminded me of mother." You stutter, your cheeks growing redder.

That explanation probably made this worse, for Archons sake!

How could you, a grown adult, call a woman mommy?

How dare you?

But, to your surprise, Arlecchino softens.

"I see. I understand. You see me as a mother figure. I get it." She says.

'"Huh?" You ask.

"What? Did you expect something else?" She asks, almost teasingly.

"I just...didn't think you'd be happy about that. I just called you mommy, for fuck's sake." You say.

"No. I understand. You see, from what I know about you and Columbina, you lost your mother when you were at a very young age, correct?" Arlecchino asks.

"When we were six." You respond.

"I run an orphanage in Snezhnaya. I have experience with many children that have lost their mothers and see me as their mother figure. Even children much older than you have continued to view me as their 'mother.' It's nothing new to me." Arlecchino explains.

"Oh. But don't get me wrong, I don't see you as my mother, or a mother figure. I just.... Well...." You trail off.

"Well what?" Arlecchino presses.

".....I've lost both my mother and father. It was easier on me when...when I didn't have Columbina to worry about. I felt like I had no family. But now, I'm completely parentless, and yet I have this obligation to protect Columbina. But I don't know if I can do that by myself. Don't get me wrong, I love her and I'm glad that she isn't dead, but now there's this weight on my chest that won't go away." You admit.

Why are you telling this woman your secret feelings?

"So you're scared that you can't be like a mother yourself and protect her? You think you haven't been taught correctly so you believe you will fall short in trying to be an older sister to your sister?" Arlecchino guesses.

"Yeah, that's exactly it. But...with all due respect, please don't assume my gender." You say.

"Oh? My apologies." Arlecchino says. "What do you want me to call you, then?" She asks.

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