Chapter Nine

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After about a week of sailing, you finally reach Liyue, your first stop on the way to Inazuma, which, as Kazuha had told you, was currently under lock and key by the Shogun, the electro archon.

But, what no one on the Alcor knew, was that you'd spent the entire week worrying about if Columbina would think you'd died.

"(Y/N)! Come on! Captain Beidou says we have all day to ourselves until we have to help set up the Crux Clash!" Kazuha calls.

"I'm coming!" You call back, stealing one last glance at the crystalline sea, sadness gripping your heart for Columbina, and oddly enough also for being separated from Arlecchino.

You had grown fond of her stern yet sometimes sweet personality.

It felt like she understood you, and a strange heat rose in your chest whenever you thought of her.

Not wanting to keep the white haired boy waiting any longer, you follow him into Liyue Harbor.

"Where would you like to go first, (Y/N)? I do believe this is your first time in Liyue after a time, after all." Kazuha says.

You stretch.

"I want to get something real to eat. No offense but I'm kinda sick of oranges and seafood." You say, thinking of the bland foods served on the ship.

Kazuha smiles.

"None taken. Why don't we go find a suitable place to eat?" He asks.

"Let's go to Wanmin Restaurant!" You exclaim suddenly, remembering Xiangling.

Kazuha looks at you in surprise before nodding.

You speed walk your way over to Wanmin Restaurant and, to your relief, you find Xiangling working today.

You don't even wait for her to look up before hugging her over the counter.

Her amber eyes widen with joy as she recognizes you.

"(Y/N)! You're okay!" She exclaims.

Then she notices Kazuha.

"Who's your friend? Wow, you have so many friends!" Xiangling says.

"Oh? Aren't you Xiangling Mao, chef prodigy? I've heard of you even all the way in Inazuma." Kazuha says.

Xiangling blushes.

"Oh wow, thanks for the compliment!" She says.

"Anyways. Xiangling, we can't talk now. Just know that I'm safe and will continue to be safe. Now...about lunch..." You start.

"Yeah! I got you! Jade Parcels and Springvale Boar is today's special! Is that okay with the both of you?" She asks.

"Sounds good to me." Kazuha says as you nod.

After taking a seat, this time not in the restaurant extension, you wait for your food.

Kazuha had been in the middle of recounting his story when you hear an all too familiar voice.

"Come on comrade, don't be so salty~! I did save your ass, you know."


You duck below the table, a wooden beam protecting you from the ginger's sight.

"(Y/N)? Are you all right?" Kazuha asks, dropping to his knees next to you.

"I'm not here." You whisper, watching Tartaglia follow behind a clearly mildly upset boy with a long blond braid.

"Those ruin guards were YOUR fault, Childe!" The blond shouts.

"But I saved you from them nonetheless-" Childe starts.

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