Every day life

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The next few days were spent doing most things you would do everyday, cooking, cleaning, going out to eat together, sitting together in the living room reading or playing cards or doing whatever just to be together. They invited Lily over and introduced her Levi, he said that he was fine with her coming over every once in a while and invited her to play cards with them.

They got into a very heated game of UNO which ended in Neve biting Artoi for giving him five +4 cards in a row and Lily throwing her cards all over the ground after Hima won and smugly boasted that they didn't stand a chance anyway. Levi was playing with the wrong cards and no one noticed even after he put an eight of hearts down and said UNO while he still had three cards.

Violet came over a lot after that and they all enjoyed Neves's food and laughed together over the horrible jokes that Artoi told. Levi muffling his laugh and Neve just smiling while Lily gave a fully belly laugh and Hima cackled.

Every so often the nice old married couple that lived next door would bake cookies for them and they would eat with them while they talked about their adopted daughter who was working as a doctor and how they couldn't be more proud of her. Even after she was bullied so much for having two moms she never let it get her down, always exceeding others expectations.

She was studying in another country so they could only ever see her once or twice a year but it was always worth it when they did, she always had so much to talk about.

It was nice hearing them ramble on about their daughter, it shows how much love they have for her that they hold her in such high regards.

Speaking of the nice married couple, the one named Faye ran the flower shop that Lily worked at and Beatrix had a cute little pastries shop across the street from the flower shop. That's where Hima got the donut for Lily. They told the nice married couple about Lilys situation and now they've started taking care of her too, she looks happier every day.

At night, Neve would lye awake listening to the sounds of the birds and the wind blowing against the house, just thinking about everything and nothing all at once. Then he would turn and see how peaceful his sister looks and none of it would matter anymore as, as he snuggled closer to her he would fall into an equally peaceful sleep.

It had always been just them but now it's them, Leviathan, Artoi, Lily, Faye, Beatrix and more to come. Everyday seemed to be filled with more happiness than the last, and it was a scary thought to think that one day it would be gone. But for now, they can be happy. Together.


It's a rainy day and the twins are sleeping in, the rain making them groggy.

Artoi steps out of the house bringing his umbrella with him, he walks around town. It's always so peaceful when it rains, he thinks to himself, you can't hear anything but the rain hitting your umbrella and the sound of your own thoughts.

But he can also hear Levi coming up behind him, he can feel him grabbing onto his shoulder to turn him around. He can smell the cigarette smoke from the butt hitting the ground. He can see tears blocking his vision, and he can taste the blood in his mouth.

There's nothing stopping him from holding onto his humanity but he lets go anyway, he watches as it leaves because it isn't wanted and he weakly wishes that he hadn't let go.

He feels himself being pulled into a hug.

"You need to stop doing this," he hears mumbled into his shoulder.

"I promised I wouldn't leave, but you need to promise me the same," the hug becomes tighter.

"I-", a hitch of breath," I promise," he wraps his arms around Levi.

"Hey... Let's go home," he sniffs.

"Okay, crybaby," Levi says with a slight smile.


Feeding stray cats is a hobby that Neve picked up after doing it once with a piece of bread that he was eating not before frantically asking if it was safe to do cause he was scared it would go away if he took too long.

He would go into a certain alleyway that all the cats through at one point in the day and camp out there until a cat came and he would play with it and feed it, to him it was heaven. To the cats it was heaven, win win.

This time though, one of the cats followed him home, a really fluffy cat that he started wonder if it was more fur than cat at some point. He only noticed when he opened the door and it bolted in, he spent the next hour trying to coax out from under the couch with cat food but that wasn't successful and Artoi came home from his part-time job at the cafè to find Neve on the verge of tears cause he's worried that he'll get in trouble.

Artoi gets the cat out from under the couch using a laser pointer that he fished out from their junk drawer, much to Neves ammusment and they played with the cat until Hima and Leviathan came home from the shopping trip Hima forced him to go on and Levi lectured them about the responsibilities of having a cat.

They got the cat of course. He only folded when all four of them gave him puppy dog eyes, including the cat. Levi days that they have to let him name it if they want to keep it, everyone collectively scoffs but they relent anyway. He names him pickle because that means that they can shorten it to pee pee when he's being bad.


It's the weekend which would usually make someone happy, but these people are not those someone. They usually do nothing when they're not working or hanging out so now they just have more time to do nothing than usual.

This brings Lily to suggest going to the nearby flower field since the twins haven't seen it yet. Apparently, it a vast filed of a bunch of different kinds of flowers and in the middle, there's a huge weeping willow with a swing. Everyone brightens up at that and they hitch a ride to see.

The first thing that noticeable is that Lilys description didn't do it justice. This place was straight out of a fairytale, like something you would think up in a fever dream. Needless to say Hima had to be pinched a few times before she could say she knew for certain it was real.

They spent the day there, Levi sleeping underneath the tree while Neve was on the swing 'talking' to Lily about whatever book they had recently read together. Hima was chasing Artois around after he threw a stick at her and blew a raspberry.

Pickle is chasing around butterfly's and occasionally choking on a fur-ball.

Lily is able to sneak a flower crown that she made while teaching Hima on Levis head. They decide to make more and Neve gets one of Himas wonky looking ones, Artoi makes one for himself and it turns out weird but he thinks it looks better than all of theirs combined.

A/N: I think Pickle is a nice addition to the family

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