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I can't really tell how long it is that we walk on the road but eventually a car pulls up behind us. I pull the gun out from the waistband of my pants and shield Lori as I hold it up at the approaching silhouette. "Jesus." Both Shane and I mumble in unison. I take a step back and tuck the gun away again, watching as he rushes to Lori.

My ears ring and so instead of trying to listen to their conversation I walk myself to the car and lay myself across the back seat.


I sigh as we pull up back to the farm knowing I was going to probably be put back on stupid bed rest. It was my own fault but my god how I hated it. I wait a second to get out of the car, wanting everyone to deal with Lori. I didn't want them to see me.

I only get out once I see Lori attacking Shane. He lied to us about Rick and them being back. "I wiII find him. Hey! Now, look, first things first...I gotta... l gotta look after you. l gotta make sure the baby's all right, okay?" I think my mouth physically drops at that, Lori was pregnant?

"You're having a baby?" Carl appears out of think air and I feel the awkwardness radiating through the circle. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Dale and Andrea save Lori from Shane and take her inside. "And you? What the hell you thinking going off with her like that?" I roll my eyes at Shane, "I didn't know. She was going with or without me and I-"

"And you what? You thought you could protect her? You tell someone or you stop her, she is pregnant for gods sake and-"

"I have a killer headache right now and I don't need to hear this from you. You're not her husband and besides Lori is a grown woman, she made her own choices I didn't fucking throw her in the car and demand she drive. I offered to go alone and she wouldn't let me." He steps forwards making me step back instinctively, "you just joined this group so don't go acting like-"

"Go fuck yourself Shane." I cut him off, seems that nice moment we'd had earlier was long gone. "What's with all the noise?" I look to the side to see Daryl approaching us, he's giving Shane a hard look as he stops just a few inches away from me.

"Nothing man, we're just talking." Shane tells him irritated by his presence, "I didn't hear no talking." Daryl replies making Shane scoff. "Whatever." He says before stomping off like the toddler he was.

"You're bleeding." Daryl notes stepping closer to see my blood stained face, it was barely visible in the moonlight. "We got into an accident." I shrug as his hand goes up to my chin so he can inspect my face.

"You went with her?" He asks making me nod, "you can't just stay home? What do you like getting hurt." I pull away from him, "no, I couldn't just let her go by herself." I tell him making him scoff. "Alright come on." I'm confused but I follow after him and my confusion grows as we get to my room.

"Sit." Once I listen he leaves the room and then returns a moment later with a small bowl of water and a cloth. He doesn't say anything as he kneels in front of me and begins to clean the blood from my face. "I see you made it back from the woods alright." He knows I didn't go, I can see the smirk on his face as he glances up at me.

"I didn't go." His eyebrow raises, "oh yeah why not?" I roll my eyes at him as he continues to clean my face. "You know why." His smirk returns and we spend the next few moments in silence. "That cut ain't looking good." He notes after all the blood is gone. "Woah where are you going now?" He asks grabbing my wrist after I stand. "I'm going to get a mirror to see."

"Sit back down." He leaves again and returns with a mirror and a bandage. He holds the mirror up as I sigh. "Yeah I'm gonna need stitches." I shrug, "Hershel still ain't back?" I shake my head which makes Daryl start chewing on his lip.

"It's fine, I can do them myself." He doesn't look convinced. "I can." I start moving forwards to get off the edge of the bed but he stops me again. "I can do the stitches." I watch after him very confused as he leaves once again. "Here." He half grunts giving me the supplies that I'd need.

"You're gonna have to hold the mirror up for me." Wordlessly he does that and watches as I prepare to stitch myself up. "You done this before?" He asks right before I'm about to begin. "Yes, not on my face but I've stitched myself up before."

"How'd you know how?" I begin the stitch, watching myself intently in the mirror. "He taught me, he was a doctor." He doesn't ask me anymore questions. I work silently as he watches, my work isn't the best but it's good enough to seal up the cut above my brow and that's good enough for me.

"Now you gotta stay in bed till the others get back." I'm ready to protest but it seems he'd already anticipated that. "We don't need you falling ill every other day." Admittedly it shuts me up but I glare at him, "I know you hate it but just till the doctor can check you over. I'll go out first thing and bring them back."

"Fine." He nods pleased that I was cooperating and then he wraps the bandage around my head for me. "Thanks." His bandage work was messy but I appreciated the fact he did it, Daryl didn't seem the type to do this for the rest of the group.

"If I see your ass outta bed before they're back I will lock a chicken in here with you." Daryl says out of nowhere making me gape at him, "hey that's not very nice."

"Yeah I don't care." He tells me before shutting the door behind himself.

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