Twenty Seven

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The next morning Daryl and I do not interact at all. I'm sat with Carl and Sophia as we eat breakfast, I feel his eyes on me but every time that I look over at him he looks away.

I finish my breakfast first, still not having much of an appetite and so I take the baby from Hershel. "Good morning sweet girl." I say softly as her eyes flutter. I'm completely captivated by her and so I don't pay attention to the others until Rick walks in. We all look at him, I'm worried about him but haven't really had the chance to speak to him.

"Everybody okay?"

"Yeah, we are."

"What about you?"

"I cleared out the boiler block." He says not answering the question. "How many were there?" I watch him, it was clear that he was not okay. I didn't know how to help him though.

"I don't know. A dozen, two dozen. I have to get back. Just wanted to check on Carl." I bite my lip as I debate on wether I should try and speak to him now.

"Rick, we can handle taking out the bodies. You don't have to." They try to assure him but he shakes his head, a determined fire raging in his ocean eyes. "No, I do." He says before turning to Daryl who was sat on the steps. "Everyone have a gun and a knife?"

"Yeah. We're running low on ammo, though."

"Maggie and me were planning on making a run this afternoon.Found a phone book with some places we
can hit, look for bullets and formula."

"We cleared out the generator room. Axel's there trying to fix it in case of emergency. We're gonna sweep the lower levels as well."

"Good, good." He doesn't linger already making his way back to the barred door. "Rick." Hershel calls out but Rick doesn't stop, he closes the door behind him. Carl shoots me a pleading look so I nod at him, pass the baby over to Hershel and then follow after Rick.

"Hey!" He doesn't stop walking as I follow after him, "Rick?" He stops then and allows me to catch up to him. He turns to face me and I really don't know what to say to him. There's nothing that will make this all okay, he thought he could keep us safe but with the slip up, he thinks it's all his fault, that this happened because of him. That just wasn't true though.

He stares at me expectantly and since I don't have the words I step forwards and hug him tightly. He lets out a breath as he stands there for a second. I'm about to pull away when he returns the hug and holds me just as tightly as I was holding him. "This is not your fault." I assure him as he holds me tighter. "You do not have to go back down there." I tell him pulling away to look him in the eye.

"I do, I have to do this." I nod, "if you have to do it then I get it, do you want me to come with you?" He shakes his head, "can you watch over Carl and..."

"With my life." I assure him making him nod gratefully, "stay safe." Are my parting words making him nod once more, "you too."

Once I return to the others Carl looks at me expectantly, "your dad is fine." I assure him as I sit beside him. He looks at me for second longer, trying determine wether I'm telling the truth or not. He eventually decides that I am and goes back to his breakfast wordlessly.

"What are we doing today?" Sophia asks me making me shrug, "whatever you wanna do kid." She shrugs back making me chuckle.


"Oh hey Glenn, before you go can I talk to you real quick?" I quickly call out after Glenn, who was getting ready for the run with Maggie. He nods and comes over to me straight away, his brows drawn as he looks at me in concern. "Everything okay?" I nod, "yep, it's just something happened last night and I don't know what to do about it." He nods for me to continue. "Uh well, I may or may not have kissed Daryl." His eyes widen immediately as his jaw slacks.

"You k-" I cover his mouth with my hand as he begins to speak at a louder volume than desired. "Yes, yeah I kissed him. We were talking because I couldn't sleep and then maybe my sleep deprived brain just stopped working because I suddenly just leaned forwards and kissed him."

Since my hand is back at my side, Glenn slaps his own hand over his mouth. "I can't believe this." He mumbles through his fingers. "What are you talking about? You're always talking about us." He shakes his head, "what happened after you kissed him?"

"Well I pulled away shocked by my actions but then he kissed me." I admit, "then?" I shake my head. "Nothing, Carl and Sophia interrupted and then we didn't even say anything to each other and we haven't spoken all morning. I don't know what to say to him."

"I can't believe this." He repeats making me roll my eyes, "that's not helpful Glenn." He shrugs, "I don't know what you should say to him, I barely knew how to talk to Maggie." He says making me sigh, "we'll do I mention the kiss or should I wait till he does?"

"Hmm, Daryl's very unpredictable so I'd say wait for him to mention it, you should just act normal with him in the meantime." He says making me nod. "Don't worry, the two of you will be together in no time." He adds making me roll my eyes once more.

"Glenn, you ready to go?" Maggie calls out from across the yard. He glances back to me asking me wordlessly if I needed to talk to him about anything else. When I give him the all clear he calls back to Maggie and turns to me one last time. "Everything will work out fine and besides we can talk more when I get back." I nod and bid him a goodbye before waving at Maggie who sends me a warm smile with her wave.

"Be safe." I tell the two as I walk past them and back towards the inside, "you too!"

When I get back inside I see Daryl and the prisoner Oscar, getting ready to leave and sweep the lower levels. "Can I come with you?" Carl asks Daryl who glances at me. "Uh Carl maybe you should stay here." I suggest making him shake his head, "I'll watch out for him." Daryl assures me making me nod. "Alright then, you guys be careful okay?" They give me a nod, "yes ma'am." Daryl's salute makes me give him a half laugh, which he responds to with a half smile.

Carl and Oscar go ahead, whilst Daryl lingers behind for a moment. He's staring at me like he wants to say something but he doesn't, "be careful." I repeat making him nod, "always am." He answers before turning and joining the others.

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