Demise Of The Doomsday Device. Part 2

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January 3 11:46 Santa Prisca.
As the two successful groups start running to where they last saw M'Gann they meet each other half way there and decide to go together.
Robin: Aqualad I think something happened to M'Gann.
Aqualad: I too came across that possibility we have to hurry before it is too late.
Superboy was desperate he started jumping as far as he could until he spotted M'Gann but his love for her left him blind as he past by Rocket and Kid Flash who needed help. Aqualad and Robin take a moment to make a plan and catch up to Superboy.
Aqualad: Robin and Artemis you're with me we rescue Kid and Rocket so Kid can chase Superboy.
Both Artemis and Robin agree with the plan and they give it a shot. Robin jumps in to help Rocket as she flys around dodging bullets, Robin takes out the soldiers and Rocket is saved. KF runs around the soldiers quickly beating the up but there's to many until Aqualad washes them away and informs Kid Flash of the plan and he quickly speeds off. After that Robin noticed something not right with one of the soldiers he took a closer look and scanned him only to find out he had a dose of Bane's venom along with Fear toxin. (Not a bad mix) Robin thought he ofcourse knew the benefits of the mix a strong soldier who would be scared enough to fight. Then he noticed something else an anomaly he deduced that it was a obedience serum as he was fighting he saw no signs of struggle or that the soldiers were even human he was determined to figure out what was the anomaly but there currently was no time Aqualad loudly called Robin and they all went to find M'Gann. Kid Flash reported to have arrived at Ms. Martian's location and told us she was unconscious and so was Zatanna luckily they weren't killed or spotted as Superboy hid them and he went on a rampage towards the soldiers.
Aqualad looked at Robin with a worried face as they knew that Superboy could and probably would kill the soldiers so they picked up the pace and eventually got to the location.
Robin: KF do we know how they wound up unconscious.
Kid Flash: Zatanna shows signs of stress and Ms. Martian seems to have had a mental overload.
Aqualad: Kid and Rocket stay here with them Robin Artemis and I will aid Superboy.
Kid Flash: Got it good luck.
Artemis: Stay safe baywatch you too Raquel.
Aqualad,Robin, and Artemis all went to the post where Superboy was fighting an army of soldiers. After defeating the army Kid Flash had a moment to report he had been captured by Bane and he's being held captive at the same warehouse where they found the blueprints.
Kid Flash: Yeah the very same and guys the device it's completed we're too late.

Robin's POV
I looked at Kaldur in disbelief we had failed the world was doomed. All I could think about at that moment was how Batman was gonna kill me for failing the mission I started getting irritated that all I could think about was him being mad at me. I looked at Kaldur and I had a plan. "Alright hear me out we're gonna have to turn this into a stealth action mission I've got a plan. Kaldur quickly responded saying "Let's hear it then". "Ok so first we go in quietly second we scan the situation I have The Bird over at the warehouse right now and it scans about 13 enemies not including Bane they're pretty close together but Batman tought me a technique that so I'll take care of them but only after you 3 rescue the
team and secure the weapon so they don't activate it got it". They all said yes simultaneously and were pretty impressed at my plan so we did as I said.

Kid Flash's POV
I was tied up I could do anything and worst of all meta dampening cuffs I could phase out of these or use any of my powers at all. Rocket and I were the only ones awake Zee and M'Gann were still unconscious. Soon I got a transmission from my secret comms channels. It was Robin how'd he get in that channel? I wondered then I remembered expert hacker. The transmission said to look up, did as Robin said through the transmission and I saw him with my beloved Arty oh and Kaldur and Connor were also there. They grappled down to a perch point where Artemis approached the weapon without being spotted, she's so sneaky anyway she deactivated the doomsday device for a couple minutes and Aqualad along with Superboy released me and the rest but instructed us to stay still they then left and Robin came crashing down on one of the soldiers. There were 13 of them he drop them to 12 then 10 after that 7 then 4 and then 2 and finally 0. He was so quick I thought he was a speedster he took them out single handedly with such precision and speed. After that Bane's attention was caught and he had a grudge for Robin because he took out all of his men.

Robin's POV
I knew this was gonna be fun I took out Bane's men and he was not happy I told the team to stay back because I wanted to have this one. Bane charged me and I dodged it ofcourse and threw in a few insults to irritate him. "Jeez Bane could you be any dumber". He was obviously mad as he yelled and charged me again. "Huh who would have thought you could, oh yeah this guy" I said as I pointed at myself. I was having fun until Aqualad informed me the weapon only had a few seconds before it was active again. I had to finish it quickly so I let him charge one last time but this time I flipped over him and cut his tube that allowed him to safely inject himself with his venom. As I was landing I stickied a double hitter birdarang that electrocuted him then turned into an explosive. He was knocked unconscious and out first priority was to disarm the weapon we destroyed it and then I rushed towards Zatanna to tend to her injuries.

After some time the team brought the injured and unconscious to the Bio-Ship Aqualad had to navigate and they all returned to Mount Justice and Batman was already there waiting for Aqualad's report. First they took the injured to the medical room then Robin and Aqualad went to speak with Batman.
Batman: Kaldur report.
Kaldur: The mission was a success but there were some prices to pay which is why as the one who recuperated our chances of triumph I would like to make Robin the new leader.
At the same time as Batman Robin said "What?" In confusion.
Kaldur: I have spoken truth he handled the mission like a true leader and when we were at the brink of failure he brought the remaining team members together and devised a plan to rescue and disarm the weapon at the same time taking out Bane and his goons, I truly believe Robin would be a better leader then I he managed to do what I couldn't and even what you couldn't Batman with all do respect ofcourse.
Batman looks at Robin proudly.
Batman: Very well it's your choice and it's Robin's choice if he accepts.
Robin: Kaldur I don't know what to say.
Kaldur: What about yes to the offer Dick.
Robin: Thank you Kaldur I'll do it.
Kaldur smiles and leaves the team in the capable hands of Robin. Later Robin meets with Batman in the batcave and talks to him about the mixed toxin and the anomaly.
Batman: So you believe this anomaly is an obedience serum.
Robin: Precisely.
Batman: Interesting I'll look into it for now get back to the cave and train your team.
Robin: Yes sir.
Robin leaves through Zeta-Tube thinking of Batman's words "I'll look into it". "I don't think so Bruce this is my investigation" I said while walking in Mount Justice.

Again sorry it's a little short but I hope y'all like it.

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