Goodbye Robin

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Mount Justice March 22 2:53 P.M.

Robin's POV
Wally: Rob wake up Zatanna wake up it's already 2 in the afternoon ROB WAKE UP ZATANNA WAKE U...

I punched Wally to make him stop as if he was an alarm clock. I got up and set Zatanna beside me since she was on top of me.

Wally: Dude what was that for?
Robin: You know damn well what it was for.

After that Zatanna woke up I looked at her waking up it was like an angel rising.

Zatanna: Good morning D.... Why's Wally here?
Robin: Being annoying as usual.
Zatanna: I see Wally can you step out for a minute?
Wally: Uh sure.

Wally walks out the room and the door closes in that moment Zatanna gave me a passionate kiss like none ever before.

Robin: Did I do something to deserve that?
Zatanna: Maybe if you remember last night.
Robin: Oh.

Zatanna smiles then gets up from the bed.

Zatanna: Well what are we doing today?
Robin: I was thinking to chill go to the beach if nothing is up with crime and y'know.
Zatanna: Sweetheart there's always crime somewhere.
Robin: And there's always other heroes to help out.

I get off from the bed and we both go to the bathroom to brush our teeth.

Robin: You know we could go out for lunch since it's late.
Zatanna: I would love to but where?
Robin: Star City has some good choices.
Zatanna: Alright then Star City it is.

We exit the bathroom and head to the caves main room where we see Batman.

Batman: Robin with me now.
Robin: Actually Batman I can't right n....
Batman: NOW.

I turned to Zatanna.

Robin: I'm sorry Zee I have to go.
Zatanna: It's ok boy wonder there's always a next time.


They share a kiss and Robin leaves with Batman. Later they arrive at the Cave and Batman sits down looking frustrated.

Robin: Uh Bruce you ok?
Batman: What's this?

He shows Robin the chart for the toxin and the map of the factories.

Robin: Well that's.... I can explain.
Batman: Save it you went behind my back and investigated the case which I told you I'd do.
Robin: You always say the same thing but never do.
Batman: Because I have other responsibilities and so do you.
Robin: And those are?
Batman: Obeying me.
Robin: You're not my dad why should I?

Batman heard his words and it reminded him that he wasn't Dicks father even though he wanted to be.

Batman: That's it no more team no more girlfriends no more superhero life outside of Gotham.
Robin: No you can't do that.
Batman: I can and I did I'm sorry Dick but you left me no choice.

Robin takes off his mask.

Dick: Bruce please don't do this I need the team I need Zatanna.
Batman: You really don't Dick now go back to the cave and retrieve your things you're no longer living there.

A tear rolls down Dicks cheek. Dick puts his mask back on and goes to Mount Justice where he calls a meeting and the whole team is there.

Robin: Aqualad as of now you are reinstated as team leader.
Kaldur: Robin what are you doing you're leader?
Robin: Not anymore.
Connor: What do you mean Robin?
Robin: I'm no longer the leader of this team as a matter if fact I am not a member of the team.
Wally: Dude you're a cofounder of this team you can't just bail.
Robin: I can and I did I'm sorry Wally.
Raquel: Robin are you listening to what you're saying?
Robin: I know what I'm saying and I'm leaving the team.

Robin grabs the little stuff he has and walks towards the Zeta-Tube.

Zatanna: Robin what are you doing?
Robin: Leaving everything behind and it's with a heavy heart I say that it includes you too Zatanna goodbye.
Zatanna: What?

Zatanna breaks down crying and Robin feels as if he broke her he feels like crying but holds it back as much as he can. Then Artemis runs up to her as I walk through the Zeta-Tube.

Artemis: Zee are you ok?
Zatanna: No I loved him he was everything to me now he's gone.
Artemis: It's ok Zee maybe he just wasn't the one.
Zatanna: You don't understand he is the one Batman made him do this it has to be Batman.
M'Gann: Perhaps Batman found out about Robin's secret operation.
Wally: That must be it.
Zatanna: It has to be he wouldn't do this to me, to us.

Batcave 3:30 P.M.

Robin walks through the Zeta-Tube and approaches Batman who is working by the Bat-Computer.

Batman: Is it done?
Robin: Yes sir.
Batman: Good now get some rest you have school tomorrow.
Robin: Yes sir.

Robin leaves the room and heads to his where he just plops down on the bed and finally tears up crying so much it attracts Alfred's attention.

Alfred: Master Dick is everything alright.
Dick: No Alfred nothing is. I lost the team and the girl of my dreams.
Alfred: Oh Master Dick.

Alfred hugs Dick and comforts him by staying with him for the night. The next morning.

Bruce: Dick I'm going to work stay here and don't sneak off to the Batcave or Happy Harbor and don't call your friends over while you wait to go to school.
Dick: Yes sir.
Bruce: See you in tonight's patrol.
Dick: See ya.

Bruce leaves and Dick is left in his room Alfred had already left and Dick was reading a book while he waited for Alfred to get ready. He knew he would have to see Zatanna today but he wasn't ready for it. He wanted to go against Bruce's instructions so bad but he had to follow them before he made Dick switch Schools to avoid Zatanna too. Alfred then came to Dick's room and escorted him to the limousine and Dick was off to school.

Ik it's a bit boring this part but it gets better after this part I swear and if you don't believe you'll see tomorrow.

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