7.) Penumbra (Sayaka Drowns, Kirari To The Rescue)

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    Sayaka enjoyed her lunch and decided to take her food tray all the way down to the kitchen

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    Sayaka enjoyed her lunch and decided to take her food tray all the way down to the kitchen. The look of shock the house help gave her made her guess that both twins usually left their trays of consumed meals outside their doors. She proceeded to make more small talk with the staff while washing her own dishes to which later, some of them volunteered to help her unpack her things. She welcomed the help and in no time, she was finished earlier than she expected. Already she felt at ease with the help and many of them mentioned to her how similar she was to their head caretaker who was currently stationed at another province at the official Bami clan estate. Their superior was very motherly to the twins and very warm and open. They expressed their hopes that Sayaka would stay for a long haul and that if she missed her family, they were happy to be her extended family.

    The in-house helicopter pilot offered to give her a tour of the gardens, the gym, the pool. His wife was one of the chamber maids. He expressed how glad he was that the Momobami twins were getting additional help since it was Ririka who dealt with most of the staff. Kirari travelled often and gambled long into the wee hours of the night and he always had to be on his toes, not sure whether he could sleep soundly everyday. The twins were notorious for waking their staff up at odd hours just because Ririka wanted to get food from some exotic restaurant in another province or Kirari wanted to go gambling at another city that takes over an hour to get to. Soonafter, the pilot bade her farewell and asked if she needed anything. To which, Sayaka requested that she wanted to have breakfast with the staff at the kitchen instead of them bringing it up to her room tomorrow. The pilot was grateful and said he would relay it as soon as he got back to the staff quarters. A few minutes after she enjoyed the gardens, Sayaka returned to the main house.

    Shortly after, Damien Inbami made an appearance at their front door, arriving in his expensive motorcycle. Kirari and Damien often rode their bikes together whenever he had time to visit in between all his turbulent sexual escapades and equally wild gambling. The butler went to open it for him and directed Damien to sit at the living room while the servant pressed the nearby intercom for Kirari's room not knowing that it was Ririka he was talking to. Sayaka, curious of their new house guest, went to introduce herself and her position with the twins. Damien wore an expensive suit and had interesting jewelry. He was young but because of his wild lifestyle, he looked matured beyond his age. He took his coat off and his cologne was so strong, it immediately assaulted Sayaka's senses. Damien was instantly smitten by her pheromones. Sayaka's scent mixed in with her Nenuco cologne and the sweat from the noonday sun drifted towards him. He could expertly tell a virgin not just by smell but by their body language, being notoriously known for all his sexual conquests.

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