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Almost every day during the summer I come to your house and sit on the floor while you play piano.

i hate who i've become without you to hold me up.

Thank you for being mine for a day.

Premier bisou. J'étais timide mais elle était tellement adorable

she bought me ice cream and we watched the falls together. we didn't hold hands. i told her i worried about the fish that must fall to their deaths off the edge. i told her sometimes i worry i'm like those fish. she promised me she'd never let me fall off the edge. i pretended it was a date.

Hopped on a greyhound to visit you instead of my boyfriend after graduation. I was completely infatuated with you. You were the first girl I had ever kissed and I wanted to keep doing it. I stayed in your apartment reading your mother's copy of The Bell Jar until a friend told me I was bothering you. I'm still embarrassed about this! I'm sorry!

Spent countless afternoons here with you and a bottle of wine

you kissed me while I was in drag. You smudged my lipstick and ruined my look.

We fell in love here

The morning I moved away from Montreal, the skies had occluded into mournful waves of gray clouds and blanketed the city in drizzling, hateful rain. With all my worldly possessions in tow, I drove from my apartment in NDG through town to the Cartier bridge so that I could take the 720 through downtown to say goodbye to my beloved city one last time. I cried almost non-stop from then until I crossed into Ontario. Just as I crossed the province line, something amazing happened: the sky cleared, the rain stopped, and I felt the warmth of the late Spring sun filter into my black VW as I sped westward away from you at full speed. I felt as though I'd been born again; that new life was mine to be had and all would be well so long as I kept my foot on the pedal. All I had to do was to leave you behind.

i almost passed out the last time we kissed.

I didn't expect it but you ended up being just what I needed.

I'll love you as long as our lock clings to this fence, witness to the buzzards and the desert and sunset after sunset, rusting away behind Prada Marfa.

We had our first kiss here. Now neither of us can go back there. I guess it's time for me to let you go.

I realised you were in love with me. It terrified me.

he kisses me and i kissed him back

this is where i met you

You gave me peace in a lifetime of war

missing you Congratulations on your wedding

I still regret that I turned away from you then

These islands have the shape of my heart since you broke it two months ago.

Last day of the semester, and she was visiting from Europe, and we curled up together on the floor, murmuring softly in the dark. We don't talk much anymore, but I hope she's happy.

Where my first love and I spent most of our time together watching the sunsets near the water

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