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You know what I absolutely, positively, couldn't change my mind no matter what you say, despise? When boys are just kind of like, "oh, bur, I'm a guy, and girls aren't strong, and boys have to take over the strong stuff but sit on our butts for the rest of the day."

I am the most feministic person you will find on media,(maybe, probably,) and when boys say girls aren't strong I get so incredibly angry.

I had this friend the other day, who shall remain unnamed, who said this while we watched "The fault in our stars."

"The girl never texts the guy first, then she seems needy and desperate."

"What?! Excuse me!?!?!" my other amazing feminist friend and I said angrily.

"Why would she seem needy and desperate!?" I yelled, "the guy just doesn't when he texts the girl first?"

"Why did you even say that?" my other feminist friend said, "aren't you a feminist?!" and it was true, the friend who said this in the first place was a feminist. Now I'm not saying I don't like her anymore, in fact, she's my gravity falls obsessor, (I still love ya! But I'm still angry at ya!) but I am saying that it's stupid to say that men are stronger than women.

Has it ever been proven? Heck, all the boys used to be scared of me, however it was in third and fourth grade. Women have proven themselves again and again, yet boys don't give them the rights they deserve.

This reminds me of another conversation last year, with a boy with the name of.........actually, I'm not going to say his name. But anyway, it happened in class.....

"I don't think women could handle being president," he said, I responded with-

"WHAT, DID YOU JUST SAY!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?"

"How are women not strong enough to be president!?!?!" I kept on.

"I'm not saying that, I'm just saying-"

"What are you saying!!!"

"Well, would you be able to drop a bomb on Japan?"

"What is wrong with you! How is this relevant?"

"Just tell me."

"No, I wouldn't just drop a bomb on Japan Willy-nilly!"

"See, you just proved my point"

"No, in fact, you're saying that asking just one thirteen year old girl is proving the point of ALL WOMEN AROUND THE WORLD. HOW IS MY OPINION PROVING THE POINT OF ANY WOMEN YOU COULD ASK, ITS JUST MY OPINION!!!!!" now, maybe I was a little un-classy with this confrontation, but I stand by what I did. and the boy just had this stupid smile on his face, and I wanted to strangle him, which really wouldn't have been classy.

If there are any un-feminists out there, please, tell me how women aren't strong. And then I'll prove you wrong, and kick your butt.

I am seriously, one of the biggest feminists you'll find around, have a conversation with me, and you'll see.

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