Chapter 3: New Beginnings

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The next day was hot. The scorching sun shone bright in the sky and Y/n felt as though it had put a straw through her head and drunk off half her energy. During lunch, she trudged through the crowded corridors of lilac and beige clad students to grab a refreshing mango drink from the vending machine. As she happily sipped her juice, she spotted a notice board with several pins holding bits of torn paper. Club posters must have been pulled down after they were bustling with new members. Only one remained.

It was plain and Y/n would have probably missed it if the notice board was full of other colorful posters. A bad drawing of a ball adorned its corner.


Y/n stared at the poster for a while. She could tell that the lunch break was almost over because of the deficit of people around her. She tore the poster from the board, folded it neatly and placed it in her skirt pocket.

"Volleyball club manager, huh?" Y/n muttered under her breath.


Y/n did not rush out of school at the bell today. Instead, she sat at her desk in the empty classroom, volleyball club poster in her hand. She either could choose to go home right now and sprint to the station to catch her train, or she could muster the courage to make her way to Gymnasium 2. By the time Y/n made her decision to crumple the poster and head back, she realised she wouldn't reach the station in time. Her next train was in an hour. Y/n sighed in frustration.

She shuffled towards the gymnasium, bag in one hand and the crumpled poster in the other. She was back again at the same spot she was earlier this week, playing with her fingers nervously. She didn't want to play volleyball ever again. That was for sure. But being a manager...that was something she could work with. Something that would...

...keep her connected to volleyball in one way or another.

She should hear the squeaking of shoes against the hardwood floors and players shouting "UP!" or the names of their teammates. It was all too familiar to Y/n.

Despite the events of last night, somewhere deep down she knew, she could never abandon volleyball. She pushed open the doors.

𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮 | 𝐎𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐓𝐨𝐨𝐫𝐮Where stories live. Discover now