Chapter 4: Manager

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Y/n was met with a ball slamming on the wall beside her, only inches from her head. She didn't even flinch. She was used to this.

"I'M SO SORRY! Are you hurt?" a concerned voice asked.

Y/n bent down to pick up the ball. This one was orange and green so it thankfully failed to illicit an aggressive reaction from her. Instead, she got up to return the ball to its owner.

"No, it's alright," she started. "I'm completely-"

Her eyes met gentle, brown ones. The boy in front of her was the same one from a few days ago, chocolate waves swept to the right. Y/n always felt she was an average height, but now as he towered over her, she couldn't help but feel small.

"-fine," Y/n finished.

"He's the one with the intense serves!" Y/n recalled.

"Oi Shittykawa!" A sharp voice, presumably his teammate, called out for the chocolate boy who now had a name. He had spiky hair that stood upright and an annoyed, no, murderous expression on his face.

"Stop flirting with your fangirls and get back to practise!"

"I'm not flirting, Iwa-chan!" The brown-haired boy whined back.

"God he even talks annoyingly..." Y/n thought.

He turned to an expressionless Y/n.

"Please excuse my teammate, he gets jealous easily. I'm so sorry, I didn't even introduce myself! My name is Oikawa Tooru. I'm the captain of the boys' volleyball team."

"Nice to meet you," Y/n replied in a monotone. She was not going to fall for his nice-guy tactics. She'd seen too many like him before and she didn't expect anything different from him either. Y/n started reconsidering her decision to come here.

"I'm L/n Y/n from Class 2-4. I saw your poster in the halls and was wondering if you still-"

"Ahhhh!! You're here for the manager job right?" Oikawa exclaimed happily. "Yes?"

Y/n nodded.

"That's fantastic! Please come with me L/n-san."

Y/n followed behind Oikawa, admiring the spacious gym which hosted 3 courts. It's brightly lit and cool interior made Y/n suddenly jealous, recalling the stuffy, single-court gym where her and her team used to practise in Nagano.
The echoing sound of Oikawa's claps brought her attention back to the hoard of sweaty and tired players that had grouped in front of her.

"Everyone, this is L/n Y/n!" Oikawa announced. "She's here to fill the role of the volleyball team's manager! Please ensure she's taken care of! Welcome L/n-san!"

"Ah well," Y/n sheepishly started. "I haven't really agreed to-"

"NICE TO HAVE YOU L/N-SAN!!" The entire team cheered and bowed.

"Shit...there's no getting out of this, is there?"

Y/n bowed back.

"Pleasure to be here."

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