Chapter 6: Aoba Johsai Boys' Volleyball Team

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Y/n and a few guys from the team walked towards the local shop for their promised milk bread. They were loud and chaotic, and Y/n was sure someone was going to scream at them, especially at this time of the night. Y/n learnt from Kindaichi, a first-year starter, that the captain would only do this rarely when he was in a good mood, but when he did he would buy bread for everyone who tagged along.

"Initially people were confused as to why milk bread," Kindaichi explained. "But Oikawa-san later told us that it was his favourite food, and he got the whole team hooked on it. Even Iwaizumi-san! He can be very persuasive." Y/n was mildly impressed at their captain's generosity.

Inside the shop, everyone turned their attention to the girl and properly introduced themselves. Y/n remembered their libero from before, Watari, and Number 2 revealed himself as Matsukawa. Iwa-chan turned out to be the previously mentioned Iwaizumi-san. He was also the ace on their team, and Y/n immediately felt a rush of respect for him. Kunimi and Kindaichi were first years.

Y/n was not going to remember these names anytime soon.

Lastly, she turned to Oikawa.

"I guess you already know my name."

Y/n nodded.

"L/n-san, you're a second-year right? Why didn't you join last year?" Watari asked enthusiastically, mouth full of bread.

"I wasn't here last year. I had to shift schools in my second year because we moved to Miyagi."

"So you like volleyball, L/n-san?" Iwaizumi-san questioned.

Y/n's mood dropped. Why was everyone asking her this question?

"Not really," she replied sternly. "I wasn't part of any clubs and I saw your poster, so I volunteered. That's all."

"Oh," Iwaizumi-san said softly, realising he'd probably hit a nerve. Others didn't take much notice.

"Well, we're glad to have you anyway," Kunimi stated.

"You don't sound particularly enthusiastic about it, but I'll take it." Y/n bowed her head in response.

After more chatting and interviewing, the team dispersed. Y/n sighed. It was extremely late and she had to take an hour-long train ride home. Her head ached just from the thought.

"L/n-san, are you walking to the station? I'll come with."

Y/n turned to see Oikawa marching towards her. She didn't want to talk to him. Why was he so...cheery? Bleh.

"It's just a short walk, I can manage," Y/n replied curtly.

"Actually I take the train home too...", Oikawa rubbed the back of his neck.

"Oh," was all that Y/n said.

The two walked in silence. Oikawa had noticed Y/n wasn't particularly talkative, and maybe even slightly irritated around him. Did he do something?

"L/n-san," Oikawa started, breaking the silence. "I just wanted to let you know that you becoming our manager means a lot to us. You really brought up their morale today. The team already expressed their gratitude, please allow me to do the same."

Y/n stared at him, eyes wide open, stunned. Turns out he wasn't the jerk she assumed him to be. Neither did she realise how much effect her becoming their manager had. Y/n felt weird being so blatantly appreciated. Even when she was playing volleyball, someone or the other had some criticism for her.

"I-uh...Thank you.." Y/n muttered.

Oikawa chuckled at her flustered face.

"No, thank you L/n-san. Welcome to the Aoba Johsai boys' volleyball team."


A/n: 47 READS!!!! And thank you so so much to @--KOZUMIIE for giving me my very first vote!!!

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