Chapter 5: Introductions

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For the rest of the practice, Y/n stood next to the two coaches of the boys' team as they told her that they had never had a manager until now, and explained to her the things she'd be responsible for. Filling water bottles, washing jerseys, all jobs she had seen Chiyo, the manager of her middle school team do. God, she felt pity for the poor girl, running around ensuring the team was hydrated, making notes on every play in games. And now Y/n was going to do it. She started to feel like she had made a mistake.

It only aggravated her more when the coach started to explain her plays and positions as if she hadn't heard 'cross shot' and 'receive' and 'setter' before.

"And you see number 7? That's Watari, our libero. The libero's job-"

"Excuse me, coach," Y/n interrupted the man. "Sorry, but I actually used to play volleyball in middle school, so I already know what you're telling me."

"Oho!" The coach chuckled. "You should have said so! Could've saved time there. What position did you play L/n-san?"

"Wing spiker, coach. I was the ace too actually," Y/n shyly added.

The coach looked at her for a moment before speaking.

"Then why didn't you join the girls' volleyball team? What are doing here, taking care of some reckless boys?"

Y/n opened her mouth to speak but didn't know what to say. Why didn't she join the girls' team? She knew the answer but she couldn't bring herself to say it. She paused for a moment, then spoke.

A complete, utter lie.

"I think I just lost interest."


Y/n observed the practice. She had seen practices of her middle school's boys' team before, but this was significantly different. These highschool boys were taller, stronger, their spikes threatening to crack the hardwood floor. She spotted Oikawa and his spiky-haired friend on the first court, playing a match. His team was 3 points ahead. The ball flew towards their court and was shakily received by one of their players. Oikawa sprinted to the back of the court and placed himself under the falling ball.

"So he's a setter," Y/n thought.


"Iwa-chan again. What's his actual name!?"

The ball grazed his fingertips as he set it up perfectly for the player with number 4 on his back, and he slammed it down on the other court, gaining them another point.

Oikawa and...Iwa-chan cheered.


By the time practice ended, Y/n had familiarised herself with the gym. She knew where the jerseys were kept, where to fill water and where to store the ball cart. Working as the manager didn't feel much different from the work she did at home. She had called her mother a few hours before, letting her know she'd be late.

Y/n thanked the coaches and grabbed her bag, ready to head home. Just as she was stepping out of the gym she heard her name.

"L/n-san!" It was their number 2. "The team is going to get after-practice milk bread. Will you come with us?"

Milk bread? "Thank you," Y/n replied. "But I should head home. It's getting pretty late."

Number 2 insisted. "Please join us. You can get introduced to the team as well."

Y/n considered for a moment. She was tired, but she did want to know the team better. Plus, she could catch the last train and still make it back home in time.


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