Chapter 6: " The process starts now."

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Sasha's POV


I heard the lock turn as it was unlocked by a key. My mom walked in and smiled at us.

We were all sprawled out in my living room. We built a fort out of blankets, but it fell when I jumped on top of it... Turns out it wasn't as sturdy as I thought. So there was a bunch of blankets and pillows laying on the ground.

Olivia was laying on the floor next to the sofa that I was on. She was laying on her stomach with her knees bent so that her legs were pointing up... Blocking my view of the tv.

Styles was laying upside down on the same sofa. I took that as an advantage and put my feet on his stomach so that I had more room and I didn't have to bend my legs.

" Hey mom!" I smiled innocently.

" Hey... Looks like you guys had fun." she said looking around the room.

" It was awesome!" Olivia yelled.

" I'm glad!" my mom yelled back laughing.

I decided to get us some more popcorn so I stood up, taking the bowl with me.

" Oh, how rude of me! It's nice to meet you!" I heard my mom say, she was probably shaking Styles' hand right now.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The microwave blared, indicating that the popcorn was ready. I poured it in the bowl then went back to the living room. I plopped back down with my legs going back to their original state.

I felt 2 pairs of eyes on me while I was eating. I looked away from Olivia's feet, which were still in front of my gaze.

" What?" I asked with my mouth full.

" Are you planning on sharing that?" Styles asked eyeing my bowl.

I looked from the popcorn to Styles to Olivia.

" Nope." I answered popping the 'p' and stuffing my face with another handful.

" Oh yes you are." Olivia stated.

" Are you ticklish?" I was asked by Styles.

" N-no." I stuttered.

He looked at Olivia, mentally asking her the same question. She nodded.

" You wouldn't dare." my eyes narrowed.

At the same time, Olivia snatched the bowl out of my grasp, while Styles got out from under my legs and held my wrists above my head. My eyes widened as I watched in terror. He started tickling my sides as my arms went flailing around.

" S-s-stop!" I laughed.

" Do you apologize for not sharing?" he said, trying to hold in a laugh.

" N-n-never!" I screamed.

I desperately tried to hit him somewhere. Anywhere. I felt him grab my wrist, as I was just about to hit him, and he stopped tickling me. I looked at him questionably.

" Careful with your hands sweet cheeks." he taunted.

I looked down realizing that I was just about to hit his... Little friend... And that he was straddling me. I blushed.

" If you wanted to touch me there, you could have just said so." he smiled.

" Well it's not my fault for your injuries when you are tickling me." I smirked.

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