Love Hurts { Harry Styles FanFiction }

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Sasha's POV

I entered my house after a long Friday.

" Daddy! I'm home!" I shouted towards the kitchen, where I assumed he was.

I walked into the kitchen and put my Barbie book bag on the island.

" School was so boring today daddy." I whined.

No reply.

"Daddy?" I asked turning around.

Bad mistake.

There was my daddy laying down with blood leaked on his shirt. I was speechless. I took a closer look at his face.

" BOO!" he yelled.


" Hahaha don't worry sweetie, daddy's fine!" he reassured me.

" That wasn't funny! I thought you died!" I ran into his arms ,well more like stumbled since I'm 5 years old and not a very good runner, with tears streaming down my face.

" Aww pumpkin, I'm sorry I didn't mean to... Ugh... traumatize you." he said nervously. " Tell you what," he continued " I'll make it up to you by taking you to the park. It's only me and you for a few hours anyway before mommy gets home!" he suggested.

" Yayyyy!" I screamed running towards the door with my dad hot on my trail.


My dad decided to put on a sweater to cover up his "blood" stained shirt. I mean, wouldn't want to get stares on the way to the park now would we? How peculiar, that would look. A 25 year old man wearing a shirt with "blood" on the chest area, carrying a 5 year old girl on his back.

" Oh! Go there horsey!" I commanded pointing to the swings.

"Nayy!" he replied galloping towards the swings.

Once I got on, I started being pushed in the air by my dad. While I was screaming with joy, I turned my head to look to my left and saw a boy about my age smiling at me and my dad.

"He's cute" I thought.

Dimples and emerald green eyes. Yep, definitely my type of boy! While I was busy "admiring" the boy, I seemed to have forgotten I was on a swing and was supposed to hold on. It felt like I was falling from a mountain. I fell with a thud.

" Ow! Daddy!" I screamed in pain.

I felt myself being cradled in a pair of strong arms.

" Shhh, baby don't cry. It's alright, it's just a scrape!" he comforted me.

I felt blood dripping down my knee. I started squirming around in his arms.

" Shhh, Aria stop!"

There it was. The "Aria". He's the only one allowed to call me that. Not because I don't like it, but because it sounds special hearing my middle name coming from his mouth. I immediately stopped squirming because I knew that when he yelled at me, he meant business.

"Good girl." he soothed while pulling out a band-aid from his pocket.

"Why did you have that there?" I asked curiously.

" Knowing you, I knew I would need it." he chuckled while I pouted.

He pressed it on and helped me up.

" Let's get home, bud" he grabbed my hand.


While we were walking along the sidewalk, I happened to notice the boy from the park walking on the other side of the street. I needed to meet him. He seemed nice.

" Hey! Boy!" I screamed.

Him and my dad both looked at me in unison.

"Hi!" he waved. His dimples poking in.

I started running across the street.

" I'm Sas--"

" Sasha! Move!" I heard my dad cut me off.

I was clearly confused. As I turned my head to the right I saw a full load truck a few inches away, coming towards me and honking for me to move. My feet felt glued to the ground... I couldn't move.

" This is it." I thought.

I felt myself being pushed and before I knew it I felt an excruciating pain in the back of my head. I heard the boy screaming and running for help. I remembered about my father and looked to my side... Another bad mistake. He was completely wrecked. There was a huge gash on his forehead and his body looked almost flattened from the impact. Don't let me even get started on the amount of blood. That wasn't my father. My father was a happy, joyful man, who always had a smile on his face. This man was just so... so... Lifeless.

"Daddy?" I whispered.

His eyes were just barely open.

" I love you and your mother, Aria... Never forget that." he mumbled with all of his strength.

" No Daddy! Stop saying your goodbyes! Say, see you later! That's what you taught me! You're not going to die, so just stop!" I outcried.

I saw his eyes begin to droop.

" I love you, Daddy!" I sobbed hysterically.

The last thought I had before I blacked out...

This is all my fault.

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