Chapter 7: "Now that only made me a deeper shade of red."

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Sasha's POV

" What?" Me and Garrett said in unison.

Styles turned to me and gave me a pleading look while giving my hand a squeeze. I turned back to look at the stranger who I only know the name of. He had an eyebrow raised at me, confused into why I didn't know Styles and I were "dating".

" Er... Uh... Yeah, his girlfriend." I stuttered.

Hey, don't blame me... I panicked!

He looked at us suspiciously. From Styles, to me, to our intertwined hands. I fake smiled at him trying to get him to believe us.

" Um, alright then. Do you guys want to go get something to eat?" he asked slowly.

I was actually pretty hungry, now that he mentioned it.

" No. We have to go, sorry." Styles replied turning us away from him.

As we walked, I let the curiosity get the best of me.

" Why did you say I was your girlfriend?" I mumbled.

He sighed before looking down at me.

" Garret and I used to be friends. Best friends... I know hard to believe now. I dated this girl who, at the time I was in love with. Her name was Hanna... Long story short, I found them snogging each other one day. They didn't even care that I found out. They just kept kissing and they would hold hands and do other coupley shit in front of me... She was a bitch. I think I kissed Audrey because she reminded me of her, to be honest. But I guess when we saw Garrett, I wanted him to think that I found someone better than Hanna and I was better off without them. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable or made you think that I was just using you, because I wasn't. And now that I told him that we are dating, he might try to steal you away from me too." His voice cracked a lot through this whole story.

I was watching him deliberately the whole time he talked. I saw his eyes tear up a bit when he said that he was going to lose me. I stopped dead in my tracks and turned him to face me. He was biting his lip in order to keep the tears in and avoiding my gaze.

Using 2 of my fingers, I pushed his chin up to face me.

" You know... It's not good to keep your tears in. Just because you cry, it doesn't mean you're weak... It means that you've been strong for too long." I whispered.

That's all it took for him to crack. I was grabbed by the waist and pushed into his body. He began to sob uncontrollably into my shoulder.

" Shh. Shh. You're never going to lose me. Never! With a capital 'N'! You understand me?" I was starting to cry a bit myself.

He nodded softly... That wasn't enough to convince me. I backed away from his shoulder and instead, grabbed his head and looked into his eyes.

" You understand?" I asked a bit more firmly.

" Yes." he mumbled. " I see you like my hair." he smirked.

I looked at his hair and realized that I was pulling on the curls on the back of his neck the entire time. Insert face palm here. I blushed and ripped my hands away.

" I didn't say I didn't like it." I heard him mutter.

Now that only made me a deeper shade of red.


*2 weeks later* ( sorry for the time skip)

Today is the day I am going back to school. Ugh.

My burns and cuts are still a bit noticeable, sadly. My hand still hurts a bit, but not that much. Lastly, I'm used to my tattoos now and I love them.

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