Chapter 13: Irresistible

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Sasha's POV

My jaw fell open as I watched the limp body hit the ground. During my shocked estate, it didn't sink in that my wrist was captured and I was pulled into another room.

" What were you thinking when you came here?" Harry asked angrily.

I suddenly got really mad.

" Why the fuck did you punch him?" I screamed.

He looked slightly taken aback with my tone.

" Get it through your wasted little head that he was just about to grab your boobs." he seethed.

As I was about to speak, I got cut off short by my legs stumbling off to the attached bathroom that was in this room. I collapsed down next to the toilet again. I'm doing this so much today. Also, the alcohol that I had mixed with me being sick probably wasn't the smartest combination.

I heard a sigh come from the door frame and seconds later my hair was being held back and tied into a bun. Soothing circles were rubbed onto my back and a soft kiss was placed on the back of my neck.

" ... I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend tonight." he started off gently. " But considering that you are drunk right now and you won't remember anything tomorrow morning, I guess I'll just have to wait." he groaned.

I stood up from the ground. Or rather attempted to. Harry helped me up and I rinsed out my mouth in the sink.

We walked back into the room without a word. I think that we both just noticed that this was a piano room.

I smiled and took off my heels before trying to walk over there. I sat down and just stared down at the keys in front of me. The seat shifted and an arm brushed against mine.

" Can I ask you something?" he hesitated.

" Sure!" I gave a small slur.

" How long ago was it when you got... You know... T- touched?" he explained.

I looked at him with no emotion before looking down and counting off on my fingers. When I was about to answer, something occurred to me.

" I'm not pregnant if that's what you're implying." I spoke rudely.

" How can you be so sure?" he asked harshly.

" ... Because I was 14 when it happened." I said a bit calmer.

He looked down at his lap and apologized quietly.

" Um... As long as we're on this subject, you never told me where that guy is." he pointed out.

I chuckled. " Oh, Harold. Some things are meant to stay unsaid." I smiled weakly.

He huffed. " So you won't even tell me when you're wasted." he chuckled. " I swear if I ever see him, he's a dead man... Unless he already is dead."

I laughed and dropped my head to rest on the piano. The numbness that I was feeling in my body caused me to not notice how fast I was lowering my head and to only feel the pain from smacking my head against the wood.

I groaned and held my head in my hands. I felt Harry move from beside me so I looked up and saw that he was also holding his head in his hands. He met my gaze and moved himself to peck my head.

" I'm fine." I told him.

He sighed and pulled out his phone from his back pocket. He showed me some writing that was pictured on the screen. I looked at him confusedly.

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