7. "Parent's week"

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Morticia- [sigh]

Gomez- Don't worry Tish I'm pretty sure our little tornado will be excited to see us.

Morticia-  That's not what I'm worried about she said she will have to talk to us about something very important.

Wednesday - mother.

Morticia- Wednesday how have you been?

Wednesday- mother i will talk to you at the toast tonight as I'm very busy now.

Morticia- sure

Pugsley- Mother look they are serving cake!

Morticia- Dear, can you take pugsley to the table i need alone time

Gomez- sure honey

[In her dorm with Tyler Enid is introducing ajax to her parents]

Wednesday-  [sigh] this is all just so hard, harder than dying.

Tyler- wed don't worry I always love you even if your parents won't agree.

Wednesday- I mean they have to agree right? Your not a normie.

Tyler- let's  worry about that later now I Said I love you and i still get no reply? [Pouts cutely]

Wednesday- Stop doing that!

Tyler- you don't love me? [Sad face]

Wednesday- I didn't say that

Tyler- c'mon why do have to be so serious every time now I'm sad

Wednesday- [rolls eyes]  fine. How do I make it up to you?

Tyler- maybe a kiss?

Wednesday- you've been asking me to that all day!

Tyler- [pouts]  wahhhh

Wednesday- fine ugh

Tyler- [grins]
Wednesday- did i make it up to you now?

Tyler- I'm half way happy

[Pugsley staring at them]

Wednesday- pugsley.

Tyler-uhh is this your brother?

Pugsley- I'm her brother.

Wednesday- pugsley what are you doing here?!

Pugsley- I thought this was powderoom!

Tyler-What is a Powder room ?

Wednesday- a bathroom

Tyler- ohh

Pugsley- anyways what's your ship called? Wyler? Wedler? Or wyde? Or hednesday?

Tyler- those are really cool names i never thought of one but i think i will go with wyler or wedler they are cute

Wednesday- pugsley you can leave now.

Pugsley- Ok then bye i should give you guys some privacy [winks]

Tyler-why did you send him i liked your brother not more than you of course.

Wednesday- did you see the time the toast starts in 1 hour you better leave too i need to get ready

Tyler-why can't I stay

Wednesday- Tyler! We are 16!

Tyler- you mean 17?

Wednesday- just leave

Tyler-I'm not leaving for free you need to pay me 10 kisses

Wednesday- ugh fine i will after the toast now can you leave?

Tyler-ok [gives a quick peck on the lips]
Wednesday- [smiles]

[Time skip to the toast]

Morticia- Wednesday you look like a  black daliha
Wednesday- thank you mother

Gomez-so what did you want to talk about?

Wednesday- well... Tyler!

Tyler- [nervous af] h-hi

Gomez- sit down

Tyler- thank you

Wednesday- mother, father this is my bo-o uhhh

Tyler-I'm her boyfriend

Morticia- oh my-

Gomez- see tish I told you she will fall on love just like us

Morticia- nice to meet you Tyler what outcast are you?

Tyler- a Hyde

Morticia- oh- is your name galpin by any chance?

Tyler- yes.

Morticia- I'm sorry about your mother and I couldn't apologize to her after the incident at fencing class

Tyler- it's okay i know if my mom would have been alive she would forgive you

Pugsley- [whispers] mother and father i thirnk we should give wedler some privacy since well they are couple now and it's to embarrassing for them to kiss infront of us

[Morticia and Gomez and pugsley leaves]

Tyler- [picks Wednesday up spins her around and kisses her passionately]

Tyler- I love you

Wednesday- and I Hyde you

Tyler- [chuckles] i still can't believe your parents agreed

Sheriff- son.

Tyler- dad.

Sheriff- I'm not even gonna ask what's happening but just so you know i missed you for a second .

Tyler- me to dad [smiles]

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