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Kirti's POV

Aah my head, everything is looking black slowly i open my eyes. The last thing I remember, that i was in my office. But wait where I am, I try to recognise the place but suddenly Dhruv Sir has come into the room..

Suddenly Dhruv hug kavya.

Dhruv : thank God you gain your consciousness. I am sorry because of me you are in this condition. I am sorry, sorry Jaan please forgive me.

I didn't listen to what he was saying as I was still processing yesterday's event.

Before i could say anything my parents also come and Dhruv Brock the hug..

I am sorry for hugging you without your permission also for yesterday....

Suddenly my mom told me that i didn't did any rituals and Pooja of my karwa chauth. Dhruv was shocked and me also...

Before mom could say anything to him he told that he already break my fast by made me drink the water when I was unconscious.

Everyone was shock as hell, before anyone could say anything he left already...

My eyes became water, if situation was different then he didn't have to appolize for his right to do every ritual..

My parents didn't say anything my mami is also present there but Dhruv didn't ask anything to her and the doctor told me that I can leave the hospital but i have to complete bed rest for two days...

Dhruv POV

after her mom told me that she need to break her fast my heartbeat rate increases and i told them that i have break her fast yesterday day itself. Before anyone could say anything i left from there.

Here i have also taken the leave as my mind is not still stable... I need some time alone..

I reached home after freshening up i had my lunch and Investigators calls me giving me big information that he has seen Kirti in Mumbai and that too she going to meet her parents.....

I immediately rush out from my home in the direction of Kirti's home this time i will get my all answers......

I was about to enter in kirti's home but my legs Stop after hear their conversation....

Kirti: mom please, i sorry but that time i didn't have any option please i beg you. Rishab was try to commited suicide and if anything happens to him then i am not able to live without him please.....

Kirti was sobbing hardly.... And beside her a tall grown man standing and i think he is her lover..

Rishab: Sir and Ma'am please we love each other and that time my only priority is my love and now as she can't live without me, the same i will also can't live without her.... And she doesn't want to start our marriage life without your blessings and love please understand. I will do everything to gain your trust and love please.... I am an orphan but i don't want that kirti will feel the same. She wants your blessings and love...... Please give her a chance

He voice is also cracking....

Kirti: Mom please give us punishment.....

Kirti's mom : Beta, i know you guy have that in your love but before taking that step you should have to talk to us and specially to Dhruv.....

Kirti Dad: Kirti you are our child we have forgive but the actual person's forgiveness you require is Kavya and Dhru.... You know i never acknowledged my sister and nieces and nephews in any function because of financial status but now i am ashamed of myself because nieces have protected my pride now i just pray she will have a good life..

Kirti: Yes Dad i wanted to ask my forgiveness to them but i am scared.

Kirti's mom: Beta we have also have to ask his forgiveness because he still don't know that he was merried to kavya instead of you because we have hide her face in viel and i have told them that you can't do bidai rituals due to some reason.... They still don't know.. we are also scared.....

Ohhh my god what the hell they are talking.. my petient now gone WHAT HELL YOU GUY HAVE DONE AND DIDN'T YOU FEEL TO INFORM ME AND MY FAMILY...... I shouted.......

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