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Its was the weekend which meant i could go home, i didn't want to go because i didn't want to hear my dad nagging over some bullshit but luck wasn't really on my side. My mom picked me up from school on Friday saying something that my dad said i should come home for the weekend 

Next Morning 

My thoughts have been all over the place since I woke up this morning. I don't want to be in this house anymore. 

"Andrew? Did you hear what I said?" My brother Liam says, leaning over the dining table.

 "Yeah, for sure. I think I'm full." I say, pushing myself from the table and heading towards the stairs. I hear the front door open and I stop dead in my tracks.

 "Andrew, your teacher called me today." My father says. 

My dad's the kind to make a dramatic entrance. I'm guessing that's why he's standing in the door frame, letting all the snow in. That I'm going to have to clean up later.

 i nod my head and look at him,

 "Mr. Thomas said he'd call, to ask about matters at home. I specifically told him not to because I know how busy you are."

 He cut me off before I could finish my sentence. 

"I see you're mister considerate now," he walks into the living room, slamming the door behind him. 

Adara Pov

My mind started spinning, my vision got blurry and the lights in my room began to burn my eyes. My breathing was labored, I felt like my lungs were going to collapse, my heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. My limbs went numb, my mind wouldn't stop racing, too many thoughts were going through my mind, I couldn't control myself any longer.

 I was screaming, but I couldn't hear myself. Everything was silent except for the unsteady beating of my heart. It felt as if I was going to pass out my heartbeat kept increasing rapidly constantly hitting my chest trying to calm myself down did nothing. I feel shitty right now I wish this could stop where the only thought running through my mind. A soft knock interrupted my thoughts followed by a voice

" Adara, are you alright you have been inside the bathroom for a while," Evelyn said with a bit of worry in her voice " yeah! I am fine," i said trying not to sound off 

I eventually got out of the bathroom after another 10 minutes. Neither Aaliyah nor Evelyn was in the room which I was satisfied with. I need to call my brother I said to myself. Opening my Phone I saw a text message from Aaliyah that informs me that she and Evelyn were going for lunch. I didn't realize it was already afternoon and I decided to go to lunch and call my brother later.

Upon entering the cafeteria, I caught sight of Aaliyah and Evelyn. I promptly walked toward them and took my seat beside Aaliyah. Evelyn looked at me and said.

"Do you want to go shopping with me and Aaliyah for food and random items."Oh yeah, of course." I said nodding.

4 hours later

We were currently walking into a shopping center looking for a store to enter. We spotted the channel store and decided to look around. As I was desperate for a perfume, I decided to buy one, I bought the "Chance Eau Fraîche".Evelyn said she wanted a new electric guitar so we stopped at the instrument shop for her to get one. Finally back in our room, we kept all the things we purchased in their places. I noticed Andrew wasn't at school since Saturday. Perhaps he went home was what I thought.

I decided to put on some music and get some work done. Music has always been a safe place for me whether it's pop, R&B, alternative rock, I've always found it comfortable. When people say "music saved my life," they are saying they found themselves once to be weak and eventually found strength through music. You can find yourself alone in the life you live, but when you listen to music you realize you'll never be alone. can express more than words and it gives people a constant when their world seems to be chaotic. It's something some people need in their life and to be who they are and go on day by day, It's just comforting.


Tossing over for the millionth time I knew I was not going to sleep anytime soon. I snuck out of the dorms to the roof of the common building I found a couple of days ago. It was surprising unlocked so I pushed the door open. The warm California breeze was brushed my hair away from my face. Walking towards the edge of the roof to sit on, a deep, husky voice from a corner called out my name. I turned to whoever owned the voice.

 Andrew?" I said.

"Pleased to see you too," he answered.

"Um. What are you doing here?" He asked

"Couldn't sleep," I told him   

"Oh, okay."

Awkward silence fell on us till I broke it and said . 

"You weren't at school during the weekend," I said.

"yeah went home for a bit, " he said

"Alright, I'm going to go back inside" i said walking away


"you know i wish i could drop out of school" Evelyn said in an annoyed tone

"to bad you can't" Aaliyah responded

"let go for art class" i said why dragging Evelyn 

"nooooooooo!" she said in a dramatic way

Evelyn and I got a seat at the back of the room. I love art. Art was my method of self-expression and creativity, creating a doorway for my imagination to explain its intricacies. I love art because of its ability to express emotions, moods, and stories. Typically, there's a misconception that you have to be good at drawing in order to enjoy it, but all you really need is a creative mind to be an artist. People can be very judgmental towards one another, but the best part about being an artist is that there is no right or wrong in a piece of art that you have created.

One thing I love about drawing is that you can tell any story you want through your artwork. I find it so fascinating that everyone's perspective is completely different from one another, and that shows in their artwork. I love to draw pictures that people can interpret in whatever way they choose.

All right class today we are going to be painting anything you want" mr.John stated 

I didn't know exactly what to paint, but I decided to start and let my spirit do the job. 30 minutes after the painting was finally done and was a view of new York city

It litreally took me a week to make this chapter  cause i didn't know what to write ANYWAYS the chapter is finally here and i promise to make longer chapter from now on

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It litreally took me a week to make this chapter  cause i didn't know what to write ANYWAYS the chapter is finally here and i promise to make longer chapter from now on.

question of the day

tupac or 50cents 

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