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TW: Eating disorder and anxiety 

Adara POV: 

It's cool and dark outside of the car as we drive, dark clouds hovering over the plains as fat, heavy drops of water fall from the full clouds. The lights of cars and streetlights and cars blur with the flow of water on the side windows, our speed not fast enough to force the drops to flow back along the windows. It's not until we start on the highway and the water starts to move that I find my objects of interest in front of me in the form of the rain and the memories of my childhood that surface with them. The rain on the windshield was and still is pleasant to watch. The way the drops clump together and make small rivers that travel up the window before being slashed at by the windshield wiper. It's calming to watch the water move as it wants, making new trails as the wind fights to push the raindrops upwards. The girls and I are on our way back from hanging out all day.

" i serious don't understand how you have your licensee, you are so bad at driving" i said to Evelyn

"says the one seating at the passengers sit" she responded rolling her eyes 

"i am a passengers princess" i said dramatically

As we  returned from hanging out, drenched by the rain that poured outside.  We stepped into the warm shelter of our  cozy living room, the sound of raindrops tapping against the windowpane echoed in the background. The pitter-patter of the rain created a soothing melody, blending harmoniously with the subdued atmosphere. Turning  on the speaker and blast "Daddy Issue by the Neighborhood" to it highest volume.

The lyrics resonated with our  own experiences, as if the song understood the complexities of our  lives. As the chorus approached, we  couldn't resist the urge to join in, our  voices intertwining with the lead singer's. The room transformed into an impromptu concert hall, filled with our  heartfelt rendition of the song.

The rain continued to pour outside, creating a beautiful symphony of nature's elements blending with the raw emotions expressed through music. we  sang with a fervor, letting the lyrics serve as an outlet for their unspoken thoughts and feelings.

After getting out of the shower, I was drying my hair with a towel when I decided to search for Andrew's Instagram account.  As my  finger swiped along the screen, Andrew  Instagram page was a carefully curated tapestry of his life, showcasing moments frozen in time. I saw snapshots of him, radiating confidence as he stood against the backdrop of ancient ruins in Italy. The warm sunlight kissed his face, highlighting his chiseled features. Though i hate Andrew i cant  help but admit that the Andrew  has an undeniable charm.

As the night wore on, my curiosity began to wane. I placed my  phone gently on the nightstand, allowing my thoughts to settle.  With a peaceful sigh, I closed my  eyes and surrendered to the embrace of sleep.

Author POV

In the morning, Adara felt a bit out of sorts and was struggling with her emotions. Unbeknownst to anyone except for Andrew , she experienced an \ anxiety attack in class. Andrew couldn't help but notice her acting strangely between  the conversation between her friends Evelyn and Aaliyah, along with his own friends Henry and Josh. Although he frowned upon witnessing her distress, he didn't particularly care enough to i\ inquire further.

As time skipped ahead to lunch, her eating disorder took center stage. Adara found herself only able to consume a salad, as her relationship with food was complicated and often dictated by her disorder. The meal was a mere formality, a meager attempt to satisfy her physical hunger while navigating the complexities of her mental and emotional struggles.

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