The beginning and kaioken

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It was your average day in union city as people were walking around going about their business but at union academy things where different.

In the halls we see a beaten and bruised student with blood running down his face.

This is Y/n and he is the only powerless student in the entire school of Union. You see in this world 99% of the population have powers weather they be sacred gears, quirks,semblances,unusual powers or being an alien almost everyone has powers

Y/n: This world was meant for the strong. They say everybody is "equal" ha give me a break.


As I stand up I'm met face to face with one of the only two people I consider friends.

Izuku midoriya.

Izuku: You really need to call me when this happens.

Y/n: Yeah well you and All Might were busy so I decided to leave ya be.

Izuku: Still.

He helped me up as I dusted the dirt off of me and pulled out a special bean. As I ate it it heals all my wounds instantly and restored my stamina

Y/n: Man if this shit didn't exist I think I would be dead.

Izuku: Well im glad it does.

Y/n: See ya later bro.

Izuku: Later bro.

As I left I say something out of the corner of my eye. A small blue figure.

As I turned around I didn't see anything.

When I got home I threw my bag on the floor. And fell on the couch.

Y/n: I fucking hate my life! I wish I could get some form of power. That way I'd show them all the power of my rage.

???: That can be arranged.


King Kai: Calm down kid!

Y/n: Who the fuck are you!?

King Kai: I'm king Kai and I'm here to help you.

Y/n: How are you gonna help me?!

King Kai: You said you wanted to gain power to show them your rage? Well I can teach you a technique that can multiply your power but your gonna have to train hard to get this!

Y/n: I'll do whatever it takes.

King Kai: Excellent! Come with me.

After a long trip we made it to this thing a dome like structure.

King Kai: This is the hyperbolic ion claime-

Take two

King Kai: Hyperbolic time chamber.

Y/n: What's it do?

King Kai: When inside one day outside the time chamber is equal to one year inside allowing for incredible training.

Y/n: So you want me to train in there?

King Kai: Yes with Mr.popo.

Y/n: Mr.who?

Popo: Me maggot!


Mr.popo: While training with me you will become the ultimate warrior! You will do as I say,Follow my rules and do my training! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!!???!?




Its been a month in here and I'm still not used to the gravity and definitely not popos training!


The training is unbearable.

5 months.

I've gotten used to the gravity but the training only gets worse.

9 months

Nine months in and I've somewhat gotten used to this.

1 year

Its my last day in here and king Kai has finally joined us.

King Kai: Look at you! You've grown from that weak little boy I took in here!

I was now ripped with a six pack of abs and my mucels had grown a bit to say I was different was an understatement.

Y/n: Yeah I've definately grown from that weak kid that got beat up on the daily. Now I'm stronger.

King Kai: You are ready to learn my technique.

Y/n: What is it?

King Kai: Kaioken!

Y/n: Kaio-wha?

King Kai: There is a reason you had to train so hard the kaioken trades in stamina for speed and strength but he drawback is that the more you push it the more toll it puts on your body.

Y/n: But the stronger I am the stronger it is!

King Kai: Exactly!

Time skip

King Kai: Try it out!

Y/n: OK.



A red aura erupted from my body as I used the kaioken I could feel my strength increase and my body tense.

Y/n: Grrr. KAIOKEN X4!!!!

My aura got bigger as I felt even more power but I didn't feel like stopping!

TIMES 10!!




As I hit 25 I started to feel my body tense up a bit this was my limit. For now.

King Kai: I'm impressed! Your limit for my technique idms 25! And just as you discovered it!

Y/n: Time to test this out!

I pulled out a shadow dummy and started attacking at lightning fast speeds and I could feel the pressure of my punches hitting the dummy causing small shockwaves.

Y/n: This is incredible!!!

With one last punch the dummy went flying!

I deactivated the kaioken and fell to one knee.

Y/n: So this is the draw back of kaioken. I'll train this weakness away!

I pulled out one of my senzu beans and ate it restoring me to full power!

Y/n: I'll stay in here for one more year and train to my limits and break!!!!!!!!!

New book and this ones gonna be interesting!

The master of techniques and forms( male reader x crossover)Where stories live. Discover now