Training with a demon

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The hell did I just do? I just snapped and they dropped dead. What's happening to me?

Running home as fast as I could I burst into my house to find the place completely ransacced. Seems I don't come here enough.

Y/n: I just hope that they didn't take my special dust. I might need that right now.

Going into my room I popped up one of the floor boards and pulled out a box, inside said box was a photo album and a jar of white sand. Perfect.

Y/n: I miss you mom and dad. But right now I have to get my powers back. Or else things could get ugly.

Opening the photo album I saw a picture of me when I was a baby, and a few pages later I saw me as a toddler. Then a few more pages later me as a 10 year old, and then a couple pages after that I saw me heading to high school. Then it ended. Or so I thought. Because there was two pages stuck together.

Y/n: Huh?

Separating the pages from each other I saw a picture of my family, and a note.

Y/n: Y/n. If you're reading this then it means we're dead. And we've left this world for a better one. I'm sorry that it happened so soon but I need you to do this, you don't have powers but we still love you, so we want you to take the white sand and pour a pinch into each of you're eyes. It might hurt but everything will be revealed in time Y/n. We love you, and become strong, if not for us then for yourself -Love mom & dad.

I began to tear up, why didn't I notice this before? Well there's no time to dwell on the past, time to see what they meant by pouring two pinches into my eyes.

Y/n: goes nothing!

Grabbing two pinches of the white sand I poured it into my eyes. I felt nothing, then everything at once.

Y/n: AHHHHHHH!!!!!

It felt like pure kava was burning my eyes as I felt so much pain, but then I felt bliss, opening my eyes I saw no difference. Except when I looked at the picture I didn't see just me and my parents, I saw a man in the background, long spiky hair, and samurai like armor. Who is that? ANd what's up with his eyes? And that smile?

 Who is that? ANd what's up with his eyes? And that smile?

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Y/n: Who is that? And why can I only see him now?

Walking out of my room I notice a lot has changed, all the family photos are different, the same guy is on some of them and another guy is in the others.

Walking out of my room I notice a lot has changed, all the family photos are different, the same guy is on some of them and another guy is in the others

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The master of techniques and forms( male reader x crossover)Where stories live. Discover now