Return my power

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When life pushes you down, its being life. But it doesn't matter how many times life pushes you down, the only thing that matters is how many times you can get back up, and kick life in the ball sack.


We cut to a scene of a battlefield, ashes fall from the air and the sky is dark, bodies of defeated enemies lie here and some faces can be recognized as the 10 commandments, and standing on a pile of rubble and ash, surrounded by blood all around him is none other than Y/n.

Y/n: When a challenger stronger than me approaches, and I lose, it means I have something to look forward to, someone to surpass and defeat. But you, you're different. I just want to kill you. And I will kill you, you hurt my friends, stole my power and made me feel weak again.....but I thank you for that. In doing so I gained new power and became stronger....but now its time we end this. So, Vexarion. Return my power now.

However, to understand how we got here, I've got to take you back. Back to the past about 6 days ago.


About 3 weeks after I met Yor we would meet up often and chat, it was nice having someone to share your regrets and worries to that you didn't really know, for some reason, I just felt comfortable around this woman. But I'm not with her at the moment, right now I'm thinking about what I'm gonna do when they attack again. I know they will but I don't know when so I'm trying my hardest to prepare.

Y/n: Just what the hell more can I do? I've got the six paths, Haki, a damn godly rinnegan, and a whole lotta ki stored up. But that still might not be enough. What do I do?

???: You could try and find the strongest in this universe currently.

Turning around I saw nobody, and after sensing for their ki signiture I didn't sense anything.

???: I'm not here child, I'm simply a voice in your head for now. But you seek power yes? To defeat your enemies?

Upon hearing this voice ask I just replied with a nod and that's when the voice began to chuckle.

???: I can help you. But, I have a task you must complete first. If you succeed, I'll grant you the power you need to get your full strength back.

Y/n: Tell me what to do.

???: The task is simple. Name me a Nick cannon song that's not gigilo.

Y/n: Yeah nah I can't do that-



???: The task is simple. All you must do is find the Stone Of Infinity. An ancient artifact crafted by Gods unknown to this day. The stone will grant you the power you desire true believer.

Y/n: The Stone Of Infinity? That.....that I can do.


I've spent a few days searching for anything or anyone who has any known knowledge on this artifact. But that's the thing, the artifact was crafted by God's that are unknown to man this day........wait........FUCK! I'm an idiot!

As I yelled at myself I proceeded to blast off into space and look down on the earth. When I closed my eyes, I began to focus on sensing energy. But not from humans or living creatures. But ancient power, stronger than any other. Upon sensing an energy I've never felt before, I let my senses sharpen and began to pinpoint the location of the stone. That's when I found it, the Stone Of Infinity.

Y/n: Gotcha.

I proceeded to fly back down to earth, before plunging my way through the frozen waters of Antarctica. Its cold, but I can handle space, so this is nothing to me. When I finally made it to the bottom I proceeded to expand out my energy and create a bubble of air so I could breath, and then I proceeded to blast a hole in the ground, and there it was. Gronitanium. The strongest metal known to mankind. Not even Issei and Sirzechs power could break through this metal if it was thick enough.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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