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They had just put the third movie when Kimi decided to take a look around the room. That made him realise that at least a good half of the drivers were already sleeping against each others. He first saw George and Alex, cuddling even closer than before, the Thai's face in the Brit's neck while the other had his face in his dyed blond hair. Lando was still on the laps of an awake Carlos, hugging one of the Spaniard's arm against him, his head on Stoffel's shoulder, the Belgian also sleeping with his head resting against the younger's one. Next to them, Fernando had a sleeping little Japanese resting his head on his laps, letting the oldest driver of the grid stroke his hair absent-mindedly, lost in his thoughts. Pierre was looking lovingly and sadly at Yuki, his eyes a little watery while his best friend was sleeping next to him, hugging a pillow. Kimi let a sigh escape him, bothered by the Frenchman and the Japanese driver's argument. Letting his eyes leave the young Alpine driver, the Finn giggle lightly when he saw a sleeping Max lying messily on the chest of an also sleeping Daniel. The Dutch had grab the shirt of the Australian in his fists and was slightly drooling, some light snores escaping them. His eyes caught sight of Valtteri's group still talking while drinking, not really interested by the Pixar movie playing on the screen.

He also saw the two other groups sleeping messily on top of each others, more or less cuddling/using the others as their plushie. But what really caught his eyes was the two blond Haas drivers hiding in a dark corner of the room, like they didn't want to be seen. His eyebrows shot up a little smirk spread on his lips when he saw that the taller German was tightly wrapped in his teammate's arms, his owns wrapped around one of his biceps, face snuggled in the little gap between it and the Danish man's torso. They were both sleeping, a plaid put on them, stopping in the middle of Nico's back. Kimi had to admit they looked really cute like that but he kept in mind that he needed to question them the next day about their relationship.

While he was lost in his thoughts, he heard a little moan of discomfort coming from the man he proudly called his boyfriend. His eyes fell on Seb's body, just to meet the drowsy and sleepily tearing up eyes of the German who let another high pitch groan again.

- What is it Kultsi? Is there a problem?

Seb pouted even more, his upper lip out a little, big, deep blue doe eyes still shinning with sleep tears looking in his icy ones.

- Yes there is Schatz, you stopped playing with my hair just when I was falling asleep.

The Finn's eyes softened more, a little chuckle rumbling in his chest.

- Sorry Rakas, lay down and relax, I'll do it again.

- Is something bothering you? You don't usually stop it like that, it became like a reflex by now.

- It's nothing, just sleep, you need it.

- Liebe, just tell me

- First, I though that we really have to make Yuki and Pierre talk again, their argument is ridiculous. And I was quit surprise by Kevin and Nico's position.

- We will do something about that tomorrow, I want to sleep for now... but, what do you mean by Kevin and Nico's position, tho?

- They're cuddling just like we are doing

Seb tried to get up from Kimi's chest, making the Finn tightened his grip around his lover

- Kimi, let me see them!

- No, stay here and sleep. We will talk about this with them tomorrow too. You need sleep Kultsi.

- Alright, grumble Seb, pouting again

Kimi only started to stroke the ex-driver's hair again, feeling him relax in his arm, sighing. In no time, he was asleep again, snuggling in his boyfriend's red hoodie, hands covered by the sleeves and put flat on the blond's naked abs, just under his shirt.

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