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Woop woop already the second part! I'm fucking tired but I spent the best day of my whole life on Saturday! I'll probably talk about it more at the end, for the ones who don't care you can just pass the end notes, I just... need to let out the excitement and to realise all this was freaking real
Aaaaaaaanyway, enjoy!

Seb had just park in front of the castle, all the guest already around the car. Mark was shaking with excitement, his hands sweaty in his sons'. Jenson and Sebastian got out of the car and opened the doors of the youngsters. When they were out, Esteban extended his hand to his grid dad, helping him out of the Aston Martin. Everyone clapped, smiles on their lips. The Aussie could only smile too, eyes already a little wet. He was gonna marry the love of his life.

The groom went and said hi to the guests, only their families, close friends and some old and current drivers. Even Christian was here, Toto next to him, his arm around the Brit's waist. The atmosphere was light and everyone could be themselves, not scared about being discovered and forced to come out because of fans or stupid people.

The outside of the casle was majestic, the building on itself was really beautiful. Mark admired it as he never saw it in real life, only on pictures Stoffel and Esteban showed him. The walls were now cover in flowers, mostly sunflowers, white and yellow roses as well as white and yellow tulips. He was already quite happy with what his sons prepared.

Sebastian and Jenson were also strolling around, talking with people. The Brit already was annoying Logan who though staying with Nico R was a good idea. The poor boy was now dealing with an old Brit teasing him about his American cliché attitude and with a German mum trying to adopt him without Lewis' agreement. Seb had find his Finn and was now dragging him to the Red Bull's and Mercedes' team principals, Valtteri following them, dragging a lost and shy Zhou, as the youngest Finn didn't want to be talked to and brought in a conversation by an ignorant guest.

Seeing that poor Logan wasn't able to escape the retired drivers' grip, Mark took pity of him, calling and waving for him to come to them.

- Dad? What are you doing?, asked Oscar

- Saving your date from the old men

- You are older Dad

- No comment Esteban

- Dad! He's not my date!

- Then who is? Lando has Carlos, Yuki has Pierre and Esteban has Mick. Who is yours?

- Stoffel doesn't have one either! Why do I have to?!

- Stoffel is your Mamá's best man. His date is just one of my best men.

- So Jenson right? Because Seb has Kimi and Lewis has Nico.

- ...Okay, you and Stoff won't have dates, it's okay

Oscar looked at his Dad with a smug smile, satisfied to have it his way.

- You should ask Logan tho, continue the older Aussie, he's coming to us, it's your chance!

- DAAAAaaa- Hiiii Logaaaan, blushed Oscar, how was it with Jenson and Nico?

- Jenson is just Satan and Nico is addicted to adopting drivers now.

- He's turning like Seb and Mamá, chuckled Esteban

- Don't be like that, scolded Mark,, you are happy we adopted you

- Of course I am, even if people think we hate each other with Mamá

- Let them talk

They stayed there, talking until Logan took Oscar and brought him to the side.

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