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Nico woke up slowly, Lewis' strong arms around him. He smiles, smelling the man's sweet smell when he heard Roscoe bark. He groaned, cursing the dog. He ignores him until he hears a strange sound and voices. He then feels his heart beat faster and harder, scared. He shake Lewis awake, panicked.

- Lewis! Lewis wake up! There's people in our house!

Lewis grumble, grabbing his pillow

- Hubby, go back to sleep

- Lewis! Someone is in our house and you want me to go to sleep?!

Lewis sit up immediately.

- Someone is in our home?!

Just as he says that, a voice is louder.

- Idiot! Don't touch anything! We don't even know where we are!

- Shut up! Why is my helmet there?!

- I don't know!

- Who are these guys on the pictures?

- I do not fucking know! Putain t'es incroyablement énervant! (Fuck you are incredibly annoying)

Lewis scramble out of bed in only his boxers, grabbing a golf club sitting against the wall. Nico get up too, wrapping himself in his dressing gown. Lewis walks slowly in the direction of the voices, Nico hiding behind him as he grabs Roscoe's collar when he gets near. Lewis opens the living room's door in a swift movement, the golf club ready to strike. Tho, he froze when he saw the guys in the living room

- What? The actual fuck?

- Lewis what is it? Who is it?!

- Who the fuck are you?!

- How are you in my house? How the fuck did you get here?!

There's the sound of feet stomping on the ground but it didn't last long until a French accent stopped it

- Ça suffit! Enough! Ayrton don't fucking fight!

- Let go of me Alain.

Nico looked at Lewis, shocked at the names. He looked into the room before yelping. Here stand Ayrton Senna and Alain Prost, looking exactly like in 1988.

- WHAT THE FUCK?! Lewis, please tell me we are in a nightmare. It's- It must be a prank right? It's this idiot of a Button who did this right?

Lewis stayed silent, still shocked at seeing his idol in his living room, alive and well. Nico was still desperate and terrified.


It seems to shake Lewis out of his shock


- SHUT UP, screamed Alain, What the fuck do you mean "from the eighties"? We are in the eighties right?

- No? You're in fucking 2024!

- WHAT?!

Alain looked shocked, Ayrton fell to seat on the couch. Lewis let go of the golf club. It hit the ground in a loud sound.

- Lewis fucking Hamilton Rosberg, if you fucking damaged my wooden floor I'm cutting your dick

- You won't, you love it too much

- Don't try me.

Ayrton seemed a little less shaken, looking at the two men, curious

- Are you... Are you a couple?

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