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Sooooo finally the wedding! It's the first part, it will probably be at least 3 chapters long because I have some ideas to do but I'll try to not make it TOO long. Also, sorry if there's mistakes, I'm on my way to Le Mans for an amateur F4 race and I don't have my computer.
Anyway, enjoy ✨
The Sun was just rising when Fernando heard a knock on his door. He groaned, trying to hide in a warm chest he couldn't find. He let out a whine, reaching everywhere he could, in vain. The door opened and he whined, needy. A chuckle came to his ears, too soft and high to be from the man he wanted. He whined even more in disappointment, hiding once again in his covers. The person tried to snatch the duvet but they were unsuccessful, the Spaniard gripping it too hard.

- ¡Mamá! Come on, wake up!

He recognise the voice of his son, Lando, and just groaned, resisting.


The rapid pitter patter of bare feet on the ground could be heard, followed by calmer steps and the sweet smell of food and coffee.

- Mamá, get up! I made you pancakes, whined Yuki, jumping on the bed

- Yuki, calm down, came the soft voice of the oldest son, let him wake up. But Mamá don't take too much time, it's a big day for you.

- What? Why? Where's Mark?, whined the older once again

- Mamá... He's not here.... It's you wedding today, he's with Esteban and Oscar at Jenson's to get ready

The Aston Martin driver got up immediately, eyes wide.

- ¡Mierda! I'm gonna be so late!

- Mamá calm down, chuckled Stoffel, putting the tray on the bed, you have time. Eat your breakfast and go take a shower, we're preparing your stuff. Yuki and I will take care of your outfit. Lando will take care of your hair.

- Ok, where are the flowers?

- In the living room Mamá, answered Lando, munching on a piece of bacon

- Sunflowers, white tulips and white roses like you wanted, added the little Japanese boy

- And your dark green suit is in the closet, we just put it here so Dad didn't see it.

- Perfect

The Spaniard then did as they told him while they get ready on their own, Stoffel texting his brothers to see how it was going on their side.

Mark was looking at himself in the mirror, Jenson and Seb next to him, smiles splitting their faces in two.

- So old man, how are you feeling?

- Shut up Jense, I'm not old

- You kinda are Mark

- Sebastian, don't start again or I'll tell the kids about your Red Bull adventures.

- Mark Webber no!

- By the way Mark, who's taking who's last name?

- You both are my best men and you don't even know?

The silence gave him the answer he needed, making the Aussie huff, straightening his dark blue suit. That's when Esteban and Oscar came in with coffees and two hot cacao the smell making the olders hum.

- Actually, Mamá's taking Dad's name. He's becoming Fernando Webber. But he'll still race under the Alonso's name.

- Oh so Nando's the bottom in the relationship.

- Ew.
- Jenson! Not in front of Oscar! He's too young! And I won't tell you.

- We all know it's Nando, look at him when he's with Mark. He's just a little puppy.

- Both of you shut up and put your jacket on, we're leaving after coffee.

Everyone nodded and, when they were ready, they all went to the beautiful green BDX707 his soon-to-be husband's team gave them for the wedding. Sebastian was driving, Jenson next to him in the passenger's seat. Mark was at the back, Esteban and Oscar at each side of him.

- An Alpine would have been better, grumbled Esteban

- I beg to differ, said Oscar, a smug smirk on his lips

- Boys, not today please.

- Sorry Dad.

- Pardon Papa.

Seb started the car and drove to the castle they reserved as the wedding's location. During the drive, the group started to talk, Jenson engaging the discussion.

- So, how's Kimi?

- Well, he's okay, a little strange since our day as younger us but it's still wonderful, not bad at all.

- How is he coming ?, asked Mark

- He's taking one of our Ferraris.

- Which one?, asked Oscar, stars in his eyes

- Our good old Red 250 gt Berlinetta.

- You really took one of your best car for my wedding, I'm flattered.

- Tell thanks to Lando, he insisted on that.

- I really can't wait to see how your bunch of troublemaker kids did to prepare your wedding my dear Mark.

- Shut up Jense, I'm sure they did something wonderful.

- I'm pretty sure you'll love it, confirmed Esteban

- Yeah, and knowing Yukes, Lan and Stoff, they made Mamá look even more wonderful!

- We'll see boys

Mark smiled his brightest smile, side hugging his boys like he could, already sure it was going to be his favourite day in the world. He had his sons,his friends, and family with him, and more importantly, Fernando. His best friend, boyfriend,  fiancé and soon-to-be husband. Only less than an hour left before he had his Fernando Webber in his arms, officially sealing their love. And a few more hours and the news would be public for everyone to see.

Mark couldn't wait.

First chapter down, at least 2 to go. I hope you liked it. And I hope there weren't to many mistakes.

For those who maybe ask themself how does Nando's bouquet looks like, I used this one as an inspiration.

By the way, I finally started and updated two chapters of the Fantasy F1 AU if you want to go and read it

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By the way, I finally started and updated two chapters of the Fantasy F1 AU if you want to go and read it. The ships will most likely be the same so don't be scared about that.

I updated this chapter on the 10th of September to correct the mistakes I couldn't. Working on the next chapter that will be a little bit longer.

Anyway, have a good day or night guys, see you soon!

Kiss kiss 🩷

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