Chapter 10

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Weiss Schnee

I am slowly stirred from my sleep by the loud sound of my alarm going off. I groggily sit up attempting to rub the sleep out of my eyes looking over at the clock. "Guess I should get ready if I'm going to get to work before everyone else." I technically don't have to be but as the manager I like to set a good example.

After getting a quick shower and putting on my uniform I am out the door. On the way there I started thinking about my conversation with Winter last night. I guess she's right, I shouldn't worry so much about the whole double date thing. Ruby and I work really well together and I'm sure Yang will see that too...even if she can be a bit overprotective at times and when it comes to Ruby her standards are pretty high. I let out a sigh as I realize that I am worrying again.

Eventually I get to the restaurant and I immediately head to my office hoping to bury myself in work so I don't think too hard about it. Ruby is the next to show up, which isn't exactly normal for her but I won't complain.

"Hey Weiss, good morning." She pops her head in to let me know she is here as usual.

"Good morning Ruby." Usually she would walk off to prep her station immediately after I acknowledge her but this time she hangs around my door like she wants to ask something. "Can I help you?"

"'s been awhile since we have stayed over at each other's houses sooo..I was wondering if you wanted to stay at mine and Yang's place tonight?" Is that all?

"Alright alright, but we can't stay up too late, we both have class tomorrow okay?"

"Yes ma'am!" she excitedly salutes me before running off to start working.

A couple of hours passed, it's not been a particularly busy day so I spent most of it in my office getting some manager work done. I put the paperwork I have been working on down and rub my eyes deciding it would be a good time to take a break. "This isn't good. Our numbers have been down for the third week in a row." I exclaim to myself. If we don't start making more sales soon...

Suddenly I hear a loud knock at my door and before I can even get the chance to invite the knocker in, they step inside revealing them-self to be the District Manager, Mr.Ironwood. "Oh g-good afternoon." I greet him standing up and shaking his hand.

"Good afternoon." he says back with an ominous tone to his voice.

"What brings you here?" I ask, motioning for him to take a seat. I kind of already have an idea and it's not good.

"Well as I am sure you are well aware your store has been slowly but steadily dropping in sales." he says making me worry even more.

"Yes I am and I am very sorry" I say with a bow "there has just been so much competition popping up recently."

"Regardless you haven't been bringing in enough money to cover the store's expenses." he says looking at me very stone faced. "So if your sales haven't improved by the end of the month I am afraid you will have to start laying people off." he explains confirming my fears.

"Sir most of my employees are college students who need this job to pay their bills." I say knowing full well that doesn't change the reality of things. I don't mean to make his job harder, he may be the district manager but I'm sure this lay off order is coming from higher up the chain.

"I am aware but that is neither here nor there." he says sternly but still sounding somewhat sympathetic. "The fact is we can't afford to keep all these employees if your profits don't start going up, honestly I had to push hard to get you the extra time you have." he stands up heading for the door.

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