Chapter 3

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"So you've really never met Yang and Ruby's Dad?" Inu asks as we are making our way to the front of the school. Inu is probably the one I talk to the most next to Ruby. I enjoy spending time with the others...for the most part but Inu and I just click more. Pyrrha is a close second but if I am honest I am a tad intimidated by her...

"Yeah, everytime I have been over these last few weeks he's been too busy with work but I guess he has the day off today."

"Why do you sound so nervous though?" she asks, confirming how obvious I am behaving. "I mean sure it's your best friend's Dad but you're acting like you're meeting your boyfriend's Dad or something."

"Oh please I'm not that bad!"

"You so are." she laughs.

I wouldn't know how that feels. I've never been in that kind of relationship before. Not to say plenty of boys haven't tried. More than a few of them were handsome, sure but little did they know they were barking up the wrong tree. Not that it matters, I wouldn't have been interested regardless. No one has ever pursued me out of genuine interest for me, only the perks of my name.

"On top of everything Ruby says she has a surprise of some kind."

"Oh really?" she asks as we walk through the front doors of the school. "What do you think it-?"

"WEISS!" Our attention is drawn to a very energetic Ruby, jumping and waving in our direction. Behind her is a very worn out looking motorcycle. 'Worn out' is probably putting it mildly to be honest.

"So uh, that's all you girl, I'll talk to you later." Inu quickly abandons me as Ruby walks toward me, pushing the bike beside her.

"Hey uh, that yours?" I point at the very busted looking bike next to her.

"Sure is, I just bought it from a friend of Yangs, they sold it to me dirt cheap, can you believe it?"

"N-No I can't imagine why." I said as convincingly as I could.

"Sure the old girl is a bit rough around the edges but with Yang's help I am going to turn her into the most beautiful bike ever." she says with a gleam in her eye. I can see how important this is to her so I just smile and play along.

"I'm sure it'll be amazing Ruby."

"Thanks Weiss." she smiles back at me before tapping the seat. "So you wanna go for a ride?"

"Huh?" I ask, making sure I heard her correctly.

"Yeah, it'll be a fun way to get to my place!" she beams cheerfully.

" sure that's a good idea?" I have several reservations.

"Oh yeah, she may not look it but she can get us there no problem."

I hesitate for a moment, the bike really does look quite old and beaten up, honestly just based on looks I'm surprised it runs at all. In my head all the terrible possibilities are playing out, like what if it just falls apart completely underneath us. I look toward Ruby with that bright, shining smile of hers and I just can't bring myself to say no. I don't know how she does that, if it were literally anyone else I would have no issue rejecting them flat out.

"Alright I suppose, just be careful okay?" she excitedly jumps on the bike and pats the seat behind her. I slowly take a seat, attempting to not put too much pressure on the seat as if the slightest movement will cause it to collapse and I wrap my arms around her waist.

"You ready?" she asks, I just respond with a hesitant nod.

"As I'll ever be."

She revs the engine and it actually chokes up a couple of times before finally coming to life, even if only barely. As we take off down the street the bike sputters and shakes more than I would like. When I look at Ruby though, she looks so happy, exhilarated even. This must be something she's wanted and worked toward for a long time, it's sad how detached I am from that experience.

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