Run away, hide away

96 2 18

Warning 1 - Spoilers for Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal episodes 97 and 98

Warning 2 - This chapter isn't funny and lighthearted like the other chapters, it's really dark and creepy.

Warning 3- Character death. It's just the body, it's at the beginning, it's not Hikari or Yuma and it's nothing too explicitly gory, just mention of a dead body, but I feel I should warn you. Also brief mention of blood from said body.

Warning 4- not 100% compliant with what happened in canon. You'll see what I mean.

If you haven't watched the episodes and don't want to be spoiled, you don't want creepy or mention of a dead body because you came here for fun or it makes you uncomfortable, Turn. Away. NOW!

(Oh also this chapter isn't told from Hikari's perspective so yeah, just a heads up)









"I win."

Dark Zexal -or Astral, he wasn't quite sure of who exactly he truly was right now, not that he cared- grinned as he kicked Vector's lifefess body, then cackled. He did it, he won! He finally beat that forsaken barian, and ended the blasted creature's life! He reveled in his triumph, some of Vector's blood smearing on the soles of his boots. Not only that, he had managed to trap Yuma in his own body and mindscape, shackling the boy so he couldn't get free.

Oh, the dark, sadistic feeling of power Astral felt seeing Yuma chained up beneath feet, helpless to stop the spirit as he did whatever he pleased.

Now filled with the power of chaos and evil, fueled with emotions of anger, hate and betrayal, along with that winged pest finally out of his way, he could spread as much destruction and evil as he wanted! Nobody could stop him!

He was brought of his thoughts when he heard a scared voice squeak "....Daddy...?"

Dark Zexal turned his head to the source of the voice, then smirked. Ah, of course, there was still Her.

Sweet little Hikari, Yuma's dear 'daughter'. There she was on the floor, curled up in a ball, her face fully displaying how terrified she was. Oh, how the dark being loved seeing the look of fear in her eyes.

He turned his body to the girl, held his arms up, then said in the softest tone he could "Come here, Hikari" and began walking towards the trembling girl, chuckling a little as she tried to move away from him . He then stopped, just a couple feet infront of her and said "Let's play a game together." 

She blinked, still afraid. "We'll play hide and seek, but also with a bit of tag. I'll count and you run away to hide. Then I look for you, and if I find you, I win. Though if I find you, but you manage to get away from me before I properly catch you, then I haven't won yet, and the game is still on. I'll give you till the count of twenty." He brought his face closer to her and said in a more quiet voice, but one she still heard, "You better run as far as you can and find a good hiding spot." He could practically see the chills run down her spine.

He then turned back around, facing away from the girl, covered his eyes with his hands, and began counting as he heard Hikari scamper away. Once he finished, he couldn't hear her anymore and uncovered his eyes. Hikari was nowhere to be seen. Excitedly, he went to look for her.

This was going to be fun.

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