1. when you're lost in the darkness...

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It's been three months since the day of the massacre

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It's been three months since the day of the massacre. 3 months since Beth had to kill her parents and Sparrow. Three months since she got put in the QZ and it still feels weird. For starters, she doesn't know where her sister is and has no legal way to know where she is. That and the fact she misses her old life have made her feel like a living corpse.

She started school a month ago, and it's just as bad as her parents had told her about. If not worse. It's like nobody noticed her there, like she was totally invisible. Sometimes she wondered if people actually noticed her or not, but it's not like she has enough mental strength to think about it that much.

If she isn't in class or being trained by the military (which felt more like total abuse), she's locked in her room making plans on how to escape this shithole. She made a pact with herself in which if she didn't get any news from her sister, she would find her alone. She didn't have anyone else. Everyone she had ever loved had died. Everyone except for her sister. And if those assholes of FEDRA didn't want to take her in, sure as hell they were not going to keep Beth.


"Hey, hey, I got one, okay?" Beth said while breaking into laughter.

"Okay, okay" Sparrow said, laughing.

"What color do kittens love the most?" Beth asks, laughing in advance. Sparrow makes a confused face. "Purrple" Beth added.

They burst into laughter. Sparrow's laughing so much she falls to the floor, taking Beth with her. Beth lands on top of her. As they laugh, Sparrow gently moves a strand of Beth's hair behind her ear. 

"Oh, that reminded me. I promised John we would help him with the chickens" Sparrow added, not taking her eyes off Beth.

"I'm so tired of those chickens" Beth complained. They've stopped laughing so it's very quiet now. They can feel each other breathing.

"Well, I'm going so you're going" Sparrow said, before kissing Beth on the lips. "You look really pretty in braids, Lizzie".

Beth wakes up, startled, in a cold sweat. She instantly tries to slow down her breaths. She looks around her plain room, taking a glance at the clock. She's fashionably late to class. She quickly got up, ignoring the tears rolling down her face and got ready for the day. She ran to class as fast as she could and hoped it would all go by swiftly. She spent so much time crying that it didn't bother her anymore- she was just numb to everything.

She spent her classes staring and playing with the ring on her index finger. It was silver and had a tiny pink heart in the middle. Sparrow gave it to her. 

After eating nothing all morning, she got to her room and finally sat down, glad that the school day was over, because now she could concentrate on what really mattered: sneaking out of there and go meet with the guy who was supposed to give her information on her sister. 

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