Episode Two: Familiar and Unfamiliar

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After a long hour and a half of trying to explain to Scaramouche how to use a scanner and computer, he started to come around. He was a fast learner for someone who had never used technology before even if he did get frustrated more than a handful of times trying to work the keyboard. For now, Childe decided to help Scaramouche with the scanning and emailing processes just to speed things up. He could give Scaramouche the whole nerdy spiel later.

With only one hour left to spare, Childe was successful in getting the new chapter in on time. Despite the two's impressive display of beating a deadline, Childe still received a good scolding from his publisher for not having it sent in sooner.

After the whole deadline panic debacle had been solved, Childe took a nice long nap for about 30 seconds until his new assistant was nagging him. "Why are you sleeping? You barely did anything." Scaramouche stood over Childe's exhausted body sprawled out on his bed. "You still haven't made me food today. You're already breaking our contract." He huffed.

If Scaramouche's pouting hadn't been so endearing and was anyone else's, Childe would've simply rolled back over and told him to make something himself. But alas, Scaramouche had a face no man could resist.

With a sigh, Childe stood up and lazily shuffled to the kitchen. His persistent, cat-like assistant followed behind. He opened a few cabinets, his eyes scanning the various ingredients. "It's almost 1 p.m... Are you still in the mood for breakfast?" Without waiting for a response, Childe took out a mixing bowl and a few other ingredients.

"How do pancakes sound?" Scaramouche's puzzled expression gave Childe the response he needed. "It's a western-style breakfast food that's soft like bread and has a sweet taste." He explained, throwing a blue apron on, tying the back, and beginning to gather the ingredients.

Scaramouche sat at the kitchen table, where he had sat the night before. He watched the taller male work around the counters, his back mostly facing him. When he did catch a glimmer of Childe's face, it displayed concentration similar to when he was attempting to ink his sketches before Scaramouche interfered. Scaramouche's observations were cut short by a knock at the door. Childe's head snapped to the right; he stopped whatever he was doing to go answer the intruder.

At the door was a slender woman, a bit on the taller side. Well- taller than Scaramouche at least. He couldn't get the best view of her as Childe was blocking most of the outside with his brick wall of a body leaning casually against the door frame. He could hear them exchanging words, though. From what Scaramouche could see, they seemed familiar with one another.

"Good afternoon, Lisa! What brings you here today?" The woman on the other side hummed fondly. "Jean suggested I check on you because of the earthquake last night. We're going around making sure everyone is okay." She smiled

"Earthquake?" Childe thought for a moment. He looked back at Scaramouche, sitting at the table unamused, waiting for him to get back to making him food. Childe assumed the "earthquake" was caused by the very boy sitting at his kitchen table.

"I suppose I did feel a bit shaken, but nothing too serious, no worries!"

Lisa nodded. "That's good then. By the way, Jean and I bought too many oranges earlier for our recipe. Would you and your friend like some?" She leaned slightly to the side, looking past Childe and making eye contact with Scaramouche. Lisa's small wave was met with the impatient boy's arrogant turn of the head.

Childe flinched a bit at her infamously sharp perceptiveness; nothing could get past her without her noticing. "That's very nice of you! If you don't mind, sure, we'll take them." He grinned.

Lisa handed him the purple mesh sack of oranges and stepped back. "I'll be on my way then. Your friend is quite the cutie. You'll have to introduce me sometime."

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