Episode Four: Can a Divine Being Dream?

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For the rest of the two's evening after their productive day shopping in the city, Childe sat with Scaramouche on the sofa, setting up his brand new cell phone and teaching him how to use the essential functions. He taught the boy how to make phone calls, text, and go online to look something up. Just to be safe, Childe gave him a short lesson on cyber safety and how not to trust everyone and everything you see.

Scaramouche nags the man about how he isn't gullible and knows not to listen to anyone other than Childe. This made him stop and think for a moment about how much trust Scaramouche had to put in him to tell him the truth in an unfamiliar place, and how scary it was for him not to break that kind of trust. After a few hours, Scaramouche quickly learned how to navigate the foreign device and could work it without too much trouble.

The next morning they were back to work and daily life, except now Scaramouche spent his breaks playing a mobile game or scrolling through Twitter. While Childe was glad he was able to find entertainment in modern technology, he was concerned about his social media usage. Childe was hesitant to even tell Scaramouche about social media and didn't think it was necessary, thinking the boy wouldn't find it interesting because of the social aspect of it. He was proven wrong though when Scaramouche started watching random videos, mostly animal clips and interacting with other artists.

So far, there has only been one instance where Childe has had to remind Scaramouche of the blocking feature when someone picks a pointless argument with him. Unfortunately, Scaramouche's short temper and unwillingness to back down made the other man fear for the boy's online safety. " At least he's interacting with others," Childe thought.

After the previous day, Scaramouche began working on his own original drawings again outside of drawing for Childe's manga. Ironically, he was warming up by sketching one of Childe's characters. Childe suggested he post his art on Twitter for others to see, and Childe expected a response like "Why do I need others' approval?" from Scaramouche, but he instead agreed and took a picture of the sketch he was working on. Seeing him be proud enough of what he drew to post it made Childe happy on the inside.

Several hours later, the two ate lunch without thinking much of the post until Scaramouche opened his phone to several notifications from people praising his sketch. He read the comments, and apparently, Childe had some sort of fan base for his manga. Many fans asked Scaramouche questions about the manga and if the character he drew was his favorite. This pissed him off for some reason. He was not thrilled about being lumped in with the fans of a manga his idiot roommate made. In addition, he was also not thrilled that his idiot roommate forgot to mention to him that he had a full-fledged fandom.

"I find it hard to interact with the fans of my work, so I guess I just forgot to mention it." Childe shrugged.

"Why don't you?" Scaramouche questioned. "I thought you would like the constant praise and admiration."

"That's exactly why I don't. I get uncomfortable being on a pedestal, especially because it's not like I did a great or heroic thing; I just wrote a story."

Scaramouche nodded, rarely admiring the other's principles. It wasn't often that you met someone who refused worship or status; where Scaramouche came from, that's all anyone wanted.

"Do you ever meet fans?"

"Yeah, sometimes we're encouraged to do book signings or Q&As, but that's about it. If we aren't careful, once you meet my seniors, they might want you to do those too with me at some point."

Childe's playful giggle was met with a pale-faced Scaramouche, who looked like he had just been told there was a spider on his face.

"I'm kidding; if you're just my assistant and not helping with story development, I'm sure you won't have to answer to anyone." He reassured.

Is It Wrong To Make A Divine Being An Assistant For My Manga? -CHISCARA-Where stories live. Discover now