Chapter 5: The Steamworks

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Later that morning, Violet was at the Sodor Steamworks. She was getting her brakes fixed. Violet loved the Steamworks. There was hustle and bustle, sparks and spanners. It was lively and friendly. And there was Victor. Violet liked Victor, he acts like a caring brother to her.

Victor: Violet? Tell me, my friend. What were you doing there in the middle of nowhere, pulling 7 loaded flatbeds? Are you crazy? You're strong, but not that strong. But... I understand the reason you did it is to stand up to your friend, but next time Spencer tells you to do something silly, do me a favour, will you? And your other friends as well? Say NO?

Violet:(chuckles) I will Victor, you are seriously like a brother to me.

Violet had almost forgotten about the contest with Spencer. Her boiler was bubbling with excitement over Hiro and her face blushed slightly when she thought about him.

Victor: Thinking about someone?

Violet: (blushes in embarrassment) No..... ok maybe I am, but no one can know.

Victor: I won't tell anyone.

Violet wanted to tell Victor about Hiro but she knew she couldn't. The Other engines might hear and then someone might tell The Fat Controller. Just then, Spencer steamed in.

Spencer: So, here you are, Little Violet. Broken down, I see? Seven flatbeds must've been just too much for you, Lovely Little Beauty!

Violet: Good morning, Spencer and good game on the contest.

Spencer was surprised. He wasn't expecting Violet to not be fazed by his compliment or be casual about it.

Spencer: Uh, what did you just say?

Violet: I said "Good Morning" and "Good Game", any problem with that response Spencer?

Spencer: I...I...

Victor: Don't you have a job to do, Spencer or are you just standing here, Gossiping and Flirting? You're taking up a lot of track.

Spencer was shocked, and Violet just snickered.

Spencer: No one speaks to me like that!

Then, Spencer slid away, sneering.

Spencer: (muttering) I can't believe....

Victor: He's all silver steam and bossy boiler that one, not to mention always flirting with you not knowing boundaries.

[Violet chuckles]

Violet laughed. She likes Victor.

Victor: Okay, my friend, you're all fixed. Try your best to either hide or stay away from Mr. Sliver Steam. The Fat Controller needs you on your branch line.

Violet: Thanks, Victor.

[A bang and clatter is heard and everyone turns to the yellow crane]

Violet: Kevin! Are you ok?

Kevin: I am, thank you, Vi.

Victor: (sigh) Kevin. What are you doing? How many times do I have to tell you? You don't drop things, you lower things. Slowly, slowly. Gently, gently.

Kevin: yes, boss. Sorry, boss. I'm trying, boss. Just a slip of my hook.

Behind Kevin, Violet saw something very interesting: a wagon with an old piston cylinder on it.

Violet: (whisper) That would be perfect for Hiro. Wonder if Victor would let me have it?

Violet puffed away, excited.

[The scene changes to Violet delivering some trucks]

That afternoon, Violet was busy on her branch line. She wanted to finish her jobs as fast as she can puff. Thomas and Percy puffed up beside her with a smile on their faces.

Thomas: Tell us about the contest, Violet.

Violet: Sorry, Thomas and Percy. Can't stop. I have so much to do. I can tell you, guys, about it later.

Thomas and Percy are disappointed.

Percy: Well, bye, then Violet.

Later, Violet puffed back to the Sodor Steamworks. She was pleased to see it was very quiet.

Violet: Hey, Victor. What's going to happen to that cylinder over there?

Victor: That pile of junk? It's just taking up space.

Violet: Shall I take it away for you?

Victor: Aren't you busy, my friend?

Violet: No, I can manage.

Kevin: Would you like a helping hook?

Violet: No thanks, but thank you anyways, Kevin.

So Violet was coupled to the flatbed and she went away along the tracks that lead to Hiro. Then she heard the clatter of wheels and pounding pistons of an oh-so-familiar big engine behind her.

Violet: (gasp) Spencer. I can't let him see me. He'll wonder what I'm doing with this cylinder.

Violet huffed and puffed as fast as she could towards a siding. Her boiler bubbled as she slowed to a stop. Spencer's rattle and roar came closer and closer as he rolled by. Then Spencer stopped and reversed. He was on the other side of the trees of Violet. Violet hardly dared to let out a single puff.

Spencer: Hmm. I thought I saw my Little Violet...

Spencer steams away, must to Violet's relief.

Violet: Flizzling Firebox, that was close! Also (gags) Gross!

Hiro was very happy to see Violet. Violet's driver and fireman unloaded the old cylinder. Soon, Hiro's cylinders were in place.

Violet: Tomorrow Hiro, I'll be coming back and we can start work. I have to get back to Tidmouth Sheds now. The others will be wondering where I am.

Hiro: Thank you, Violet.

Violet gave a little flustered smile and before she steamed quickly away back to Tidmouth, she looked back at Hiro with comforting eyes.

Violet: Have a good sleep, Hiro.

As Violet puffed away slowly, a small, faint blush appears on Hiro's face.

Hiro: Same to you, Violet.

He hears a faint whistle, letting him know that she heard him.

Violet chuffed around a bend, and then she gasped.

Violet: (gasp) Cinders and Ashes! The Duke and Duchess of Boxford's summer house is so close to Hiro's hiding spot. I have to, no, I Must do my best to protect Hiro. I have to be very, very careful.

That night, Violet told her friends about her contest with Spencer. She was about to tell them about Hiro, but The Fat Controller arrived.

[He walks over]

The Fat Controller: Tomorrow, You all have very busy days. Your jobs will start especially early. So Violet, don't puff around the island pulling heavy loads or any other silly ideas. I need really useful engines, not really broken ones.

Violet: Ye-yes, sir.....

Now, Violet never dared to tell her friends about Hiro. The Fat Controller has spoken, "No broken engines".

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