Chapter 6: Telling the Others

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The next day, Violet had a very busy morning but she wasn't happy. She really wanted to be with Hiro. Thomas and Percy then arrived.

Percy: You look worried, Violet.

Thomas: What's wrong?

Violet looked over at her best friends, she mostly tells them everything.

Violet: You guys may not believe me but. I've found the oldest engine on Sodor. His name is Hiro.

Percy: Bust my buffers!

Thomas: Where?

Violet: I'll show you guys later. I promise. He needs me to look after him. Can you guys help me?

Thomas: Of course, we will, Violet. What can you have us do?

Violet: Thomas, can you please take my cargo to the shunting yard?

Thomas: Of course, Violet. But what about my flatbed of farm machinery for Farmer McColl?

Violet: Percy? Do you think can you take Thomas' flatbed for him?

Percy: Sure, but what should I do with my mail cars?

Violet: I think it would be best if you hide them somewhere safe temporarily for now. Maybe somewhere right off the tracks and later you can continue on with your mail delivery. You guys got it?

Thomas/Percy: Got it/Okay.

Violet: Good. Now, I'll chuff over to Hiro as quickly as I can.

[Violet whistled as she puffed away, Thomas and Percy whistled back.

[The scene changes to Thomas delivering Violet's cargo for a moment then changed the scene to Percy on the main line.]

Thomas and Percy are excited. They were happy to be helping Violet.

Percy had to puff a long way. He was on tracks he wasn't familiar with. He was looking for somewhere to hide his mail trucks.

Percy: I must find somewhere right off tracks. My trucks must be safe until I get back.

[He stops when he sees a line going into some woods]

Percy: This is the perfect place to leave my trucks. No one will find them here.

[He puffs into the woods and the scene changes to Violet heading to Hiro's hideout]

Violet puffs happily towards Hiro's hideout. She was so busy thinking about Hiro and helping him, her face turned to a slight pink for a moment, that she didn't see Spencer steaming up behind her, right when he got into her view her excited expression changed to a dead look.

Spencer: What are you doing here, Violet? You're a long way, away from your branch line.

Violet:(Bluntly) I'm on my way to the Quarry...

Violet raced away from Spencer and the summer house as quickly as her pistons can pump.

Spencer: This is very strange. Very strange indeed.

Violet didn't dare to chuff to Hiro until much later. Right when she got to see him, she immediately blushed, also giving a shy smile.

Hiro: I thought you weren't coming, Violet.

Violet: I'm so sorry I was late, Hiro. I ran into Spencer on the way here.

Soon, Hiro's piston rods were in place.

Violet: Don't worry, Hiro. I'll come back with spare parts for you as soon as I can, alright?

A slight blush forms on Hiro's face, he has many friends back home that can be one thing or another, but he never knew that an engine like her can be so compassionate, caring and... He wanted to think more about her, but can't put the words, even though they only met a few days ago.

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